He asks your phone number

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Your horoscope for the person in the band who asks your phone number...

Aries: Michael

Taurus: Luke

Gemini: Calum

Cancer: Ashton

Leo: Calum

Virgo: Michael

Libra: Calum

Scorpio: Michael

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Ashton

Pisces: Michael

Where he asks you youre phone number ( first letter of your name) ps: it is with the person who asks your phone number

A: while he sits beside you in the airplane

B: At an intervieuw

C: while playing guitar and sings

D: at the fifth harmony concert

E: in front of your parents... lol

F: while wating for your laundry

G: while listening to their music

H: while eating pizza in a pizza shop

I: at a meet n greet of your fav band

J: while waiting for your frapucinno in starbucks

K: at a tatto shop

L: on a road trip with your bff

M: On a date with your bf ( ps my bff cjose that one )

N: in a hoapital when you re in a coma ( ps : that also )

O: while you re visiting the Eifful tower

P: while listening to one pf youre covers

Q: while youre sitting in a bakery shop

R: threw a music video

S: before you going on stage

T: while buying one of their posters

U: while youre reading a book

V: when you just broke up with your bf

W: at prom

X: at a teen choice awards

Y: on a keek

Z: he doesnt ask you...
Hiiii guys,

My best friend Xox music chicxox helped me with this horoscope and we were playing games to find what to put

Please comment on what you had sorry for the z ....

Byyeee xoxox

5sos horoscopes ( cover chosen by my bff)Where stories live. Discover now