Chapter 12 Return to the dollhouse

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Mona's POV
I know this is a bad idea but, I just have to go back. Yes, I'm going back to the dollhouse. Yeah, I must be stop or something, but it'll help me finally figure out who Charles or -A is. I walk up to the dollhouse and go through the hole in the fence. (A.N In this story the girls got out by the police cutting a hole in the fence.)  I start to hear talking and run into the dollhouse. I poke my head out only find the girls. I walk out but, they don't seem to notice. I tap Hanna's shoulder and she screams.

"Geez Han. Calm down it's just me, Mona" I say as I put my hand back on her shoulder.

"Mona, don't do that. So... What are you doing here" Han asks.

"Same as you. To find answers"

"Well, now let's see what in this place" Spencer says as she walks into the dollhouse.

We've been walking for about 5 minutes and Aria and Hanna keep arguing about something. Then we hear footsteps behind us. We all turn around and Aria screams. I turn around and she's gone. Then Hanna disappears.

"Guys, we need to get out of here" Emily says.

"What about Aria and Hanna" Spencer asks.

We hear the footsteps again all turn around. Us begin stupid, we turn our backs to Emily and she's gone too. Spencer and I go running down the hallway only to hit a dead end. I feel a stinging pain in the back of my head. The last thing I hear is Spencer calling my name.
Spencer's POV
I turn back to Mona and see her slowly falling to the ground.

"Mona....MONA, MONA" I yell as I run to her.

I'm about to catch her when I clothe go over my mouth and everything blacks out. When I wake up, I'm on a table. There's a white blanket on me. I look under the blanket and I'm completely naked. I look aver to my right and see Hanna and Mona. I look aver to my left and see Emily and Aria. I try to lift up my right arm but, I can't. I look down and see a needle in my arm. I pull it out and get up. I wrap the blanket around me and go over to the other girls. I go to Hanna to wake her up.

"Han, wake up" I say shaking her shoulder.

"Where am I" Hanna stirs.

"Hanna wake up we need to get out of here" I start poking her face.

"Fine" she opens her eyes and looks at me.

I take then needle out of her arm and move to Mona, while Hanna works on Aria and Emily. When Mona wakes up I notice a red liquid on her table. I look at the back of her head and almost screamed. On the back of her head is a huge cut. It looks like someone hit her upside the head with shovel.

"Is she dead" Emily asks.

I put two fingers under her chin and feel a pulse. I let out a sigh of relief.
"She's alive but, nearly. We need to get out of her now".

Emily picks up Mona with the help of Hanna. We exit the room and find our selfs in a hallway. There are at least seven doors. We check the doors to see if they open, the last door opens. In the room there are five chairs with clothes on them. I walk up to the chairs and see notes on them. I pick up the one that says Spencer.

Dear Spencer,
Hope you like the clothes I got you. Your gonna need them. Have fun in hell bitches

I toss the note to the side, pick up the clothes and put them on. Dark blue skinny jeans, long sleeve black and white stripe shirt, black vans, and a dark blue jean jacket. Hanna's wearing a maroon colour crop top, light blue skinny jeans, black 3 inch high heels, and a black leather jacket. Emily's wearing a light blue (that gets dark at the bottom) shirt, black leggings, dark brown combat boots, and a leather jacket that's the same colour of her boots. And we finally get to Aria, a black pair of jeans, a bright red shirt, red 3 inch high heels, and last but not least a light blue jean jacket.

We were about to dress up Mona, when she woke up. She got dressed and is wearing a regular pair of skinny jeans, a black and white long sleeve shirt ( black on the sleeves and white everywhere else. Expect the tower) that has the Eiffel tower on it, white converse (to match the shirt), and a black jean jacket.

"I have to emmet, the bitch has good taste" Hanna said, I rolled my eyes but agreed.

We walk around the room and Aria found another door. We came to a stair case that only lead up. We all exchanged looks and went up. After about an hour of walking up the stair we finally got to the door. We got out of the stair area and ended up on a roof.

"Oh" Aria said.

"My" Emily said next.

"God" Mona finished off what we all thinking.

"We need to find out where we are. Let's trying look around" I said and started to walk in a different direction then everyone else. After about 5 minutes of looking off the roof, Hanna called us.

"Guys. I think I found out where we are" Hanna said as we all over to where she was.

When I got there I saw the Eiffel Tower.


IM BACK BITCHES. To much. Sorry. Well here's an update. Sorry I haven't been updating. First, there was the camp trip and then school. Honestly I just forgot. Hopefully I'll update sooner. I'm thinking of a new story. What do you think about a Teen Wolf AND Pretty Little Lairs story. A combine of my two favourite tv shows. Leave a comment to see if you like that idea. Like always SEE YOU NEXT TIME. Bye

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