Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Dos (El Sinaloense)

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"We have to do something before anyone else finds out. Daniel will kill him if he takes her away!" I said, staring at the four pairs of eyes looking back at me for guidance.

All hell would break loose if Alex stole Daniel's bride-to-be. The Bustamante family would be on his side and help him hunt down my brother. My family the Romero's wouldn't hesitate to protect Alex from any harm.

This could be the end of a long friendship between the two most powerful cartels in Mexico.

Damn, Alejandro.

"Claire, you go out there and let them know that we're having some problems with the dress, tell  them we'll be out in a few minutes."

She nodded and walked out of the room.

"I'll be right back. If Daniel or anyone else comes in here, you make something up. Do not mention Alex's name at all." I slowly crept out of the room and made my way down the hallway to the room next door.

I could hear two voices arguing in hushed tones.

     "You know I love you Sofi, I've always loved you. The only reason I broke up with you was because I wanted you to have normal life." 

I walked inside to find my brother holding on tightly to Sofia's hands. They both turned to look at me, Alex's hands flinched towards the gun on his waist, but then relaxed when he saw it was only me.

Sofia looked relieved to see me.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I walked up to them and ripped my brother's hands away from hers. "Daniel is going to kill you if he finds out."

"I don't care, Gabby! I love her and if she feels the same way she's coming with me."

"Solo a ti se te ocurre hacer esto hasta el ultimo momento, pendejo!" I shook my head at my him and then turned to my best friend. "You have to go out there, everyone is waiting for you." (Only you would think of doing this at the last minute, dumbass!)

"I'm sorry, Alex" she looked up to stare into his eyes. " I can't do this to Daniel. I'm not in love with you anymore. You were my first love but you decided to end our relationship and I moved on. You should do the same."

"I wasn't your first love!" My brother cried with tears in his eyes. "I fell deeply in love with you and that's why I haven't been able to get over you." He leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I hope he makes you happy, Sofia."

"He will" my friend replied and gave him one last hug. "Take care of yourself, Alejandro."

It broke my heart to see my brother suffering, but he made the wrong decision years ago when he decided to break his relationship with my best friend.

Had he done the right thing, he could've been the one marrying her today.

"Go ahead, they're waiting for you." I stepped aside to let my friend go. "I'll be with you in a few minutes."

She nodded understanding and left me alone in the room with Alex.

He was turned away from me, his shoulders shaking with silent cries. I wrapped my arms around him and he gripped my hands tightly.

"Lo siento, hermano. Yo se que estas sufriendo ahorita, pero algun dia tu encontraras a alguien mas."  (I'm sorry, brother. I know you're hurting right now, but some day you'll find someone else.)

"Primero voy a tener que olvidar este amor que siento por Sofia." he cleared his throat, and after composing himself he turned to look at me. "You better get back to the ceremony. I'm going back to Tamaulipas, I can't stay here and pretend to be okay while I watch her get married to someone else." (First I'm going to have to forget this love I feel for Sofia.)

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