Chapter 1

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(Emerald P.O.V.)

I'm pecefuly sitting on my bed listening to music, but Grace has to invade my personal space.

"Whatcha doing emo?" Grace asked emphisizing 'emo'.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly. "Your eyeliner cause mine is broken." She says with attitude. "No, fuck off." I go back to my music and turn aroud so I face the wall. I can faintly hear the sounds of frustraited grunts and high pitched yelling. I smirk, lay down and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to someone shaking me. "Wake up shit head. Its dinner." Grace says. I really wish we weren't sharing a room, I would be so much happier without that fucking bitch shoving rude words down my throat all the time. Grace leaves the room and I stand up. I walk down the stairs with all of the girls that looked like they got all of their emotions removed. I grab a small dinner since I don't need a lot of food. I weigh only 78 lbs so I takes so little to fill me up. I run back up to mine and Grace's room I sit on the bed, turn on some music and eat my dinner. When I finished I run downstairs and put away my dishes. As I put my dishes In the sink, I see May and some men in suits out the window. May looked really distressed, I need to know whats happening. I tiptoe over to the door which is craked open and crouch near the crack and listen. The only thing I heard was the men saying 'You don't have the money' and 'You have to get them out of here'. What did they mean by that? Do we have to move? Why don't we have the money? So many questions are going through my head. I shake it off and go back back upstairs and plop on my bed. I drift off to sleep with questions still in my head.

I wake up to May yelling 'Everyone come downstairs please!'. We all rush downstairs and get in a straight line. "Okay," May started, "This is really hard for me and you guys. We have to adopt you guys out in a month because the rent collectors came over yesterday and told us that if we can't afford it, which we can't, we need to adopt out all of the kids in one month, no more, no less. So we will have adoption days for an hour every day of this month starting today so get your stuff packed and come downstairs in 30 minuets." May said with forming tears in her eyes. Everyone stood in silence and didn't say a word. I'm not sad at all about this. This means I can leave this hell asap.

We all went back upstairs and packed up our things. I packed up all my clothes which is 5 shirts (all band merch) and 2 black skinny jeans. I put all my toiletries and my razor blades (yes I cut) in my suitcase and I can't forget my Ipod and earbuds. I do my normal makeup, do my hair, put on a BVB shirt and black ripped skinnys and I'm ready for the day. I run down the stairs and plop myself at the end of the line. I wait there for a little bit then I hear the door open and footsteps the hardwood floor. A whole buch of people that looked so normal like the streotypic soccer mom and Microsoft dad. All of the parents walked around and looked at us. While they were doing that I heard the door open and the footsteps of 5 people walk in. May went and greeted them. I heard them walk to the room we were in. I looked up and saw...

Hehe, clifhanger! Hope you liked it. sorry for any grammer/spelling mistakes. Okay baii^^

Adopted by Black Veil Bridesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें