The Day Juvia Lockser Broke Pt.2

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December 4th Gray's P.O.V

I'm back Juvia. It snowed for the first time since December started. I wish you could see it.

December 5th No One's P.O.V

Gray held Juvia's hands and squeezed them tight in his large ones. "Juvia. Juvia I don't know if you can hear me, but I love you. I love you so much. Please wake up. Please please please wake up!" As he spoke his voice began to choke up, "You mean so much to me. If you wake up I promise I'll make up for all the time I've neglected your love. I'll never let you feel lonely again. Please. Please just wake up...." He said resting his head on her bed and ended up falling asleep.

December 10th Gray's P.O.V

I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while Juvia. Erza forced me to go on a job with her, she said it would clear my head from you but that's just stupid. I'll never ever forget about you again.

December 25th

Marry Christmas Juvia...

December 26th

If you wake up I promise we will get married right away. And settle down in a nice house.

December 27th

Lucy and Wendy came to vist you Juvia. Wendy cried because she couldn't help you with her healing magic, but I reassured her you'll wake up soon.

December 28th

People are starting to give up hope of you waking up Juvia. Don't worry I won't ever lose hope.

January 1st

Happy New Years Juvia. I gave you a new years kiss, I hope you don't mind.

January 2nd

Your body hasn't been taking in the food through the feeder very well. Are you okay? You gotta get your strength up for when you wake up Juvia.

January 3rd


January 10th

Master Makarov told me I shouldn't keep my hopes up on your recovery...

January 19th

Your body has been unresponsive that past few days....

January 28th

Your heart rait is dropping... Please wake up Juv..

January 31st No One's P.O.V

Gray held Juvia in his arms as he watched her hear rait monoter slowly slow down. He felt the breathing from her mouth slow.

"Juvia I love you... I love you and I'm so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry for all the pain I gave you. If I could make it up to you I would.... I love you, I love you, I lo-" Gray stopped as he heard the beeping of the heart monitor and he knew what it meant.

His beloved Juvia was gone. She slipped away in his hands. He pulled her close and began to sob into her ocean of hair silently whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

He held the corpse of his love and wouldn't let go. Erza had to force him away as the doctors took her lifeless body away.

February 20th

Tears where shead on this day. The day Juvia Lockser left our world for good. Gray spoke at her funeral and had a hard time doing so.

"Juvia was a soul that was full of hope and joy. She brightened up the room the second she walked in...." Gray stared at the cards in his hands and stuffed them in his pocket, "I knew Juvia for a long time. And only now I realized how much I loved her. She was far from the evil water woman many people thought of her to be. She was like a rose. That I'm sad to say I didn't get to see blossom..."

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