I noticed Mr Collins was walking towards the science room as we was going out. Austin and I set them up!

"Did I just hear that right?" I said, looking at Austin.

"I think you did." He confirmed laughing.


It was the beginning of lunch and I was heading towards my locker to grab my science books before I went to meet Austin.

I hope it's not awkward or silent with him, it's never like that in class. I'm just overthinking, I will be fine.

"Bella." A familiar voice says, I look up and notice its Mia. "Oh hey Mia, whats up?"

"Nothing really, so you off to go study with Austin?" I never told Mia I was studying with him? How does she know? "Yeah, Caitlyn blurted it out." She said laughing.

"That explains it." I laughed "Well, I should be going, I'll meet you after school?"

"Yeah, have fun!" She said wiggling her eyebrows, I just rolled my eyes.

Once I got to the library, I sat down on the table near to the back and got my textbooks ready.

Why isn't he here yet? Lunch will be over in half an hour.

I got my phone out and decided to text Mia.

Bella; Should I just leave? It's been fifteen minutes and he hasn't shown up.

I got a reply almost instantly.

Mia; He asked you to meet him there, of course his going to show up :)

Before I could reply the librarian shot me a deadly look and pointed at the sign above her which was written in bold red letters 'NO MOBILES'. I sighed chucking my phone back in my pocket.

Why am I still here? He isn't going to come, I should have known better.

I gathered my textbooks into my bag and stood up ready to leave when I felt someone grab my elbow.

I quickly turned around to see Mason standing there smiling at me. I was kind of disappointed seeing that it was Mason, I thought it would have been Austin.

"Bella are you okay? You look a little, upset." I smiled at his concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking." I lied, forcing a smile.

"Why are you in here anyway?" I asked changing the subject, we began to walk out of the library.

"I had to return a few text books that I took out, from last year." I nodded.

We carried on talking as we walked to the cafeteria. I like how easy it is to talk to Mason, unlike at my old school. I never really had guy friends like Mason, Riley and Austin, if you can count him as a friend. I don't know what he is.

"Austin will never change will he?" Mason laughed, we stopped in the hallway at Mason's locker while he put something in there.

"What about Austin?" I asked confused. Mason nodded towards the opposite side of the hallway signalling me to look. I glanced over to see Austin and blonde haired girl kissing up against a row of lockers.

Austin was kissing another girl.

Is that why he stood me up? Why would he even ask me on a date? Austin's a player, he doesn't care about me. I was just another girl who fell for his charms.

"Bella? Are you sure you're okay?" Mason asked bringing me out of my thoughts, I just nodded and we carried on walking. I never looked back at Austin.

I wasn't really upset. Mainly hurt and I guess, embarrassed. I let him play me just like every other girl in this school.

When we reached the cafeteria, Mia spotted me. I blurted out everything to her, that had happened and how I officially wanted nothing to do with Austin.

"His a player Bella, you can do better anyway. We will come the fair with you and show Austin that you don't need him!" Her words made me feel a lot better about the whole thing.

I'm lucky to have a friend like Mia.


Me, Mia and Kayla were touching up on our hair and makeup. I was wearing my ripped denim shorts, along with a white top paired with my white converse, casual and comfy for a fair.

I tried to forget about Austin but it wasn't working. I kept seeing him after lunch, which didn't help the fact that I was trying to avoid him.

"Bella, forget about him! His not even worth your time. Now let's go to the school fair and have the time of our lives!" Mia said trying to lighten the mood. She's right I'm not going to let someone like him get me all worked up.

I grabbed my purse and mobile, ready to walk out of our dorm room with Mia and Kayla. The three of us was going to the school fair together, I just hope Mia and Kayla get along this time.

"Okay I'm ready." I said, forcing a smile on my face, I was burning up of anger and embarrassment inside.

A loud knock come from the door, I walked over to open it. Okay Bella stop being so angry over a stupid guy, who is... I opened the door curious to see who it is "Hey Bella." Austin James!

I immediately slammed the door shut on Austin's face!

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