Wait, Is This A Date?

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"Hey, A.K. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a coffee today?" I waited for a reply, my right hand propping my phone to my face.

" 'course. There's this little bistro down the road from the hotel that does amazing coffee. I'll meet you there at two?"

"Cool. See you soon." I smiled and hung up the phone. I'd never had girl friends. I had a girlfriend when I was seventeen but when my nan found out, she went ballistic. I was told that if I didn't stop seeing her - if I didn't stop being bisexual - then she would never speak to me again. Like your sexuality is something you can just switch on and off. I didn't think she was serious but when I continued to date Emily and whenever I would ring my nan, the second I said "Hello.", she hung up. It hurt, a lot. It was actually Emily that broke it off. She one about the situation I was in and told me that I should never have been put in it. She told me she was sorry because she felt she was the reason for my nan not being able to cope with homosexuality and that she was the reason I felt distraught. So she ended the relationship so I didn't have to make the choice. I loved her. Of course, I've loved and love other people; my parents, my family, Sky. But I think Emily was the only person I've ever been in love with. I should try and find her again, to catch up, to thank her.

My phone rang in my hand. I glanced at the caller ID Nan calling before answering it.

"Hi, Nan. How are you?" I tucked my right leg under myself as I sat on my couch.

"I'm alright, you know - here and there. I was wondering how you were."

"I'm okay. I wanted to tell you face to face over Skype or something but I have big news."

"Oh dear. Please tell me someone hasn't gotten you pregnant."

"Oh, my God, no! Nan, I'm not pregnant." I exclaimed.

"You have a boyfriend then,"

I ignored the fact that she emphasised the word boyfriend.

"You and that boy Skylar have finally got together? Oh, honey. I hoped you two you would -"

"No, Nan. Me and Sky are not together. He's my best friend, Nan. You know that." I stopped my nan's ramblings.

"Girls deserve to have a best friend that's another girl. Girls need to have friendships with other girls. You can have boyfriends but they can never give you the friendship you get with a girl." I knew she was hinting at the Emily scenario and all of her little jibes were slowly eroding my happy mood and I knew it wouldn't be long before I snapped.

"You know what. I have to be somewhere now. I'll tell you my news later. Bye. Love you." I snapped my phone shut, my jaw clenching and un-clenching. I sighed before pushing myself up to meet Anna.


"So, are you going tonight?" I asked after I finished laughing at Anna's joke.

"Tonight?" She looked confused as she tied up her auburn hair.

"Yeah, the movie night. Adam said almost everyone was going."

"He didn't ask me. Should I be offended?"

"He's probably just intimidated by you because you've been in the same movies as Robert Pattison and Taylor Lautner." I teased.

"Most definitely." Anna laughed. "Oh, God. I remember those."

"Myself and Sky had a Twilight marathon the other night."

"Did you two make out?" Anna bit her lip and raised her eyebrow suggestively.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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