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I woke up to the sound of my beeping heart machine and the ceiling lights piercing my eyes. I stared up at the white ceiling, taking in my location. Fuck, I thought to myself. I landed myself in the hospital.

A man in glasses who resembled Bill Nye faintly in the face obstructed my view of the ceiling. He was smiling so hard you would've sworn he was my father.

"I see you're awake." The man said quietly and calmly. I had came down to the assumption he was the doctor. His name tag read, Schenectady, MD.

"Where am I?" I croaked. I lifted my arm weakly to wipe my eyes, only to see an IV needle in it. A sharp pain shot through my lower body, causing me to hiss.

"Harlem Hospital Center."

"How did I end up here?" I inquired. I clicked the button on the hospital bed to elevate my top half of my body.

Dr. Schenectady stood up straight and looked through the folder in his hand. He read through some papers before responding, "According to the 911 call,  you had passed out in the middle of 135th Street around 4 PM. It was also reported that you had been bleeding and had a black eye previous to you collapsing."

My heart flopped when I remembered the events before I had passed out. Mathew had embarrassed me in front of everybody that was somebody in Lincoln. He made me look like a joke; one of his little hoes. What made it worse was that he denied my baby. Our baby. I had lost everything because of him: my parents, my reputation, my home, and myself.

Another sharp pain shot through me as I shifted in the bed. Why am I feeling this? I thought to myself. "Where are my parents?"

"We couldn't get in contact with them."

"Maybe you have the wrong number," I replied. "Is there any way I can use a phone? I'll call my dad. He'd answer."

Dr. Schenectady looked like he was holding back something, but he gave me his phone to use. I dialed my father's number precisely and put the phone to my ear. It rang once before going straight to voicemail. I looked at him with disappointment before hanging up and handing him his phone back.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay." I replied sulkily.

I looked around the rest of the hospital room. There was a bunch of women around the room in beds either sleeping or talking to a doctor. One girl caught my eye. She looked like she could be around my age, and she was crying and screaming. Her words were barely audible through her screaming but I did manage to make out a sentence of what she was saying.

"They k-killed my baby," she cried on the phone. "Why God? The o-only thing that m-made me have hope!"

My heart ached for the girl. A tear came down my eye just watching her cry on about how much her unborn gave her a second chance at life. I just wanted to jump up and hug her but the pain was just too sharp for that.

Something told me to look up at the lit up sign hanging over the door.

Gynecology Ward >

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I tapped the doctor. He looked up. "Why am I in the gynecology ward?"

The doctor looked scared to answer it, but continued on to tell me. "I'm sorry, Miss Tilden, but you had a stress-induced miscarriage."

It felt as if all air had been sucked out of me. I instantly began crying, putting my hands over my mouth. The day couldn't get any worse than hearing that. Now I literally had nothing. I could understand why that girl cried her heart out. She had hope of having a bundle of joy being brought in her dark world. It was a new feeling to me, but I was attached to my unborn despite the circumstances. A symbolism of love. Just like love, my baby was taken from me.

Before the doctor could continue conversation, Keemie came bursting through the doors of the ward. As soon as she saw me, she started tearing up. She bumped the doctor out of the way and came to my side. The doctor decided not to interrupt, instead leaving me and Keemie to talk.

"I came as soon as I heard what happened." Keemie said. Her light skinned face was reddened with sadness and anger was obvious in her eyes.

I began crying hysterically. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead. "Keema, my baby died!" I screamed in melancholy. "Mathew didn't want the baby! My parents kicked me out! I just want to fucking die!"

Keemie lifted my head up. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. "Geneva Antonia Tilden, baby girl, you ain't doing shit to yourself! I refuse to sit there and let you hurt yourself, especially over a nigga! I will fuck you up my damn self!"

"What about my parents?" I moaned sadly. "I have nowhere to stay."

"Fuck them. You staying with me."

I shook my head. "Keemie, I can't. Your mom has enough dealing with you and your brothers, and-"

She raised her hand, cutting me off. "Cut the shit, Neva. My moms love you like you're her own. She will be fine. I got you sis, if nobody else do. I love you, Neva."

I sniffled. "I love you too, Keemie."

Keemie wiped her tears and her face became stern. "Now what you wanna do to this nigga Easy?"

I laughed lightly. I loved my best friend to pieces. She always held it down for me no matter what. I had known her since middle school, and she was the only chick I considered a friend. She never turned her back on me, and I never turned my back on her. We made the promise to ride until death did us part. I wouldn't trade my bitch for the world. And the fact that she was the only one who came to see me in the hospital spoke volumes. She had my loyalty for life.

"You laughing but I'm dead ass." Keemie responded as she sat in the seat beside me. "I want that nigga put on his fuckin' neck for what he did to you."

"Keemie, no." I pleaded. "You know I'm not hateful like that. Karma will get him. I have no parts of his pain."

"'Cause you still love that nigga," she replied. I winced at the word love. I did still have love for Mathew that couldn't go away overnight. That boy had my heart, but there was such thing as having love for someone I'll never speak to again. Especially when you deny my child. "Well surprise, bitch, I don't. I'm bringing karma to that nigga's door ASAP."

"Keemie, I don't need you fighting my fuckin' battles!" I snapped. Keema rolled her eyes. I sighed, taking a deep breath and counting to ten. "Look, I'm sorry. But I just rather not deepen this situation. Let it go."

She sucked her teeth. "Aight, Neva. Just let me know when you stop loving this little nigga so I can get him lined. But look, when you move into my house, we're transferring out of Lincoln ASAP. I'll fuck somebody up in a heartbeat if they think they gonna talk shit to you and not get shit done to 'em."

I sighed. "Is it necessary to-"

"Yes. No fuckin' discussion." I nodded my head. Maybe I did need a new, much positive setting.

For the rest of the night, I had Keemie by my side. And the world felt less cold with her.


Aww! Best friend goals or nah? ❤️👯 But what do you think will happen next? Will Geneva's minor setback lead to a major comeback?

Y'all think Keemie gonna follow Geneva's wishes?

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