Chapter 2- As in Will Herondale?

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Monday mornings suck. Monday afternoons suck. Monday evenings suck. Pretty much all of Monday sucks.

Even with those thoughts of Monday sucking I managed to drag my arse out of bed only to land on the floor face first my butt sticking in the air. For a good ten seconds I couldn't be bothered to move so I laid there in the most attractive position imaginable until reality hits me and I need to get ready for school.

I dragged myself up to my closet, after running my brush through the rats nest I call my hair, debating on what to wear. Our school had some stupid uniform that you had to wear from Year 7 to 11 until you reached sixth form. Being that I was in Year 13 the uniform didn't apply to me, We were able to wear our own clothes as long as they were 'smart'. I picked out a black skater skirt that rested just above the knee and paired it with a light pink blouse. I carefully applied my everyday makeup being prepared to stab someone every time I messed up my eyeliner before throwing on a pair of black flats with some nude tights and skipping down the stairs.

I instantly caught the scent of bacon quickening my pace into the kitchen. Flipping bacon by the grill was my mother dressed in grey sweats and an oversized hoodie.

"Uh, how's the bacon doing mum?" I asked stifling a laugh at my mum's ridiculous fashion sense.

"No, you can't have any."

"What? Why?" I demanded as she served the beautiful crispy bacon onto four plates, all of which weren't mine. Two of the plates were for the twins, one for mum and the last for Jacob.

"Because, little missy, you need to learn how to make your own meals. You're an adult now."

"Almost, I'm not eighteen until February and besides Jacob is 23 and he's getting bacon!"

Yeah, I know I sounded like a whiny bitch but it simply wasn't fair that my useless older brother got bacon and I didn't. I should've started a protest right then and there, I would not stand for this favouritism.

"Hanna, I gave up on your brother a long time ago. That idiot can't do anything for himself, that's why I'm putting all my faith in you. I doubt Charlie and Liam will be any different from Jacob, nor your father." And with that she took her plate and called the rest of the household down leaving me gaping in the doorway.


After the debacle at breakfast I decided to grab a sandwich from Tesco before heading off to school. By the time I had arrived it was already half eight so I practically sprinted to form. My form tutor got really pissy whenever anyone was late and I was no exception.

"Miss Gray, what time do you call this?" Her voice was scratchy and reminded me of a broken tape recorder.

Glancing down at my phone I mumbled that it was 8:32. Wrong move.

"What was that?"

"8:32, miss. I'm sorry my mum wouldn't cook me bacon so I had to pop into Tesco and I didn't realise the time and-" I rambled realising that I probably looked like a prat. I didn't dare look around at the rest of the form but I heard faint snickering probably from the year 7s up the back. In our school we had mixed year groups in each form so, in ours, there are: three year 7s, four year 8s, four year 9s, three year 10s, three year 11s, three year 12s and one year 13 (that's me). It was a bit confusing but it was nice to be able to socialise with other year groups and get help from the older years.

"Miss Gray I do not need to listen to your petty excuses this early in the morning, go sit down and please don't be late again," Mrs Chase scolded turning back to her computer, I assume it was to mark me late in the register.

I took a seat on the second row in between the other sixth formers and pulled out my planner to check what homework I had left to do. I internally cursed myself when I realised my art homework was still incomplete. I remember doing most of it yesterday but I didn't finish. I let out a sigh of relief when I realised I had art fifth so I could finish it at lunch.

The rest of form swum by followed by the rest of my lessons.


I ambled my way to lunch groaning at the thought of my previous lesson. I had A-Level English with Mr Linel and the little shit refused to let me use the bathroom when I was in dire need of emptying my bladder. I tried explaining to him this 'need' but he wouldn't listen and forced me to wait until the end of class. How rude is that?

When I finally reached the canteen I scanned the area for my group of friends spotting them at our usual spot by the vending machine. Sitting round the table was Daphne, Erica, Andrew (Erica's boyfriend) and Dylan. I called them 'DEAD' because if you took the first letter from each of their names it spelt 'DEAD'. I was the odd one out in that sense but I didn't really care.

I took a seat next to Daphne obviously interrupting whatever conversation they were having. "What? You guys didn't have to stop your conversation because of me." They all looked down at their food kinda nervously, all except Erica. "What is it that your not telling me? Eric?"

"I simply found a new guy I can set you up with and-"

"Come on, not again. I already told you that I don't want to date anyone."

"That's what I told her," Daphne chirped taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Shut up Daph, anyway his name is Will Davidson, he's in our year and he moved from somewhere in America, I think it was New York," Erica informed me pointing to a guy already swarmed by a large group of girls.

I turned round catching his eye, "Why would anyone want to move from New York to a ridiculously tiny town in the middle of Cornwall, England?"

"God knows."


I wasn't entirely sure what the time was but judging by the sky outside not being too dark I wouldn't have said it was that late. I was shelving books on the top shelf at the back of the store when the door screeched open triggering the little bell at the top of the door. The slam of the door behind whoever came in was enough to knock me off my stool and onto the floor. I quickly scrambled to my feet in embarrassment.

I made my way to the front of the shop to greet whoever entered stopping in my tracks when I realised he looked familiar.

"Uh, how can I help you?" I asked clearing my throat.

"I saw the sign in your window, I was looking for a job?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm Hanna, let me go get the job application form." I practically ran to the counter pulling out papers looking for the god damn sheet.

"Cool, I'm Will by the way."

I pulled the sheet out and without thinking blurted out, "As in Will Herondale?"


So yeah this my second chapter, I hope you like the story so far and that's about all I can say.

Just saying I have two French Assessments I need to write by tomorrow so wish me luck. Yay...

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