Stalking the new guy

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Violetta's POV
"Haha oh man this is the best day of my life" came a laugh from the main room as I entered it, I figured the voice belonged to maxi, his laugh was accompanied by the rest of the guys...this must be something considering it was entertaining the guys so much

I entered to see the guys having huge grins on their faces, Felipe was standing there as if he had done something sinful. ludmilla had her head in her hands, while the rest of the girls were also standing there confused...Pablo instead of telling everyone what to do like he does before every show, he was also thinking really deep and his expression was similar to that of Felipe's.

"Ok guys calm down, we can figure something out" Pablo said looking but I don't think anyone could miss the doubt in his voice

"Are you kidding me? we were right" Leon said in his oh so proud of himself voice as he put a hand on fede's shoulder. leon being right didn't confuse me, what did was what the hell he was right about...

"Yeah this is exactly why you should've gotten a girl instead of a boy to replace my girl friend" Maxi said with a proud smirk, ofcourse, how couldn't I figure this first, this is all about Felipe being a bad choice again....this is getting old

"I can imagine Felipe singing 'dangerously beautiful' with Ludmilla, it's gonna be great" Diego laughed making sure to look at fran, ever since Felipe came frans actions have been strange and that worried Diego a lot even if he was indenial

"Ok stop will ya?" Ludmilla shouted at the guys "Cut the guy some slack, he didn't have a choice but to come here and youre all treating him like he did something, Pablo why cant one of the girls sing with me?" she said turning to Pablo as the guys all stopped knowing that none of them could argue with lludmilla

"That's a great idea, violetta can you sing with her?" Pablo asked me waking me up from all my thoughts...I looked around seeing that everyones eyes were on me

"I can't Pablo, I go out right after ludmilla, I cant sing directly after" I answered as Pablo nodded knowing that I was right

"Francesca?" Pablo said turning to fran who was lost in her thoughts "Will you do the song?" Pablo asked her.

"Uh sure" Fran answered as not only mine but everyone elses eyes went wide

"You hate the song" Leon shouted at her, it seemed as if he was trying to take her out of her thoughts

"What song?" fran asked turning to leon, it was as if she had no idea what was happening

"Ok I'm singing the stupid song, can we please stop this?" Camilla said which seemed to have solved the problem as everyone settled down....Leon shakes Fran which seemed to wake her up as she came to her sense...

She seriously had something going on in that head of hers maybe I need to talk to her..

Leon's POV

The show ended, Cami sang with Ludmilla and Felipe did all the rest of Naty's parts in the rest of the songs..although I still think that Felipe singing 'dangerously beautiful' with Ludmilla would be really great...guess we don't always get what we want

"Will you stop mourning about how he didn't sing with Ludmilla? Let him go will ya?"

I looked back to see my girl friend standing there with her arms crossed over her chests

"You can read my mind now?" I asked as I walked over to her and kissed her cheeks

"No I can't it's just I've came to know you very well" she said with a smirk on her face...I've thought her so well

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