"Green." I laugh. He gives me a weird look.

"Aren't girls supposed to like pink?" He asks. I laugh.

"Who says I'm a girl?" I ask and waggle my eyebrows.

"Your to beautiful." He says. I smile at him.

"Oh and what makes me beautiful?" I challenge him.

"Your hair it's like fire and your eyes they look like magic." He says. I smile. I never get embarrassed.

"I am magical." I say firmly.

"Oh really?" He asked cocking his head.

"Yes watch." I say to him. We walk over to a group of boys our age.

"Pause." I say. They all stop and look at me with wide eyes.!

"See told you, magic." I say to him and I push my way through the boys. TK just laughs.

"Yep defiantly magic." He mumbles to himself.

The rest of the summer past like that. TK and I practically inseparable. The older kids adore me also.

"TK where are you?" I called out. My red hair that had grown very long trailing behind me as I moved through the forest.

"Over hear Clare!" My best friend called.

I grinned and rushed over to him.

"Hey come on our brothers are going to be upset." I told him as he met me by a tree. He nods and we both set off to camp.

Suddenly we see snow! Small snow flakes drifting down. Clouds above us turned a murky gray and more snow dropped.

TK took action and grabbed my hand. We both races to camp. We run through the darkening forest as more and more snow drifts down. The coldness getting to me and I shake uncontrollably.

We finally reach camp after 20 minutes. There he and I jumped into the brown cabin just as the snow storm started. It cracked and wind howled.

I was shivering and was very freaked out. Izzy came over and looked at me with worried eyes.

"Izzy, there is no possible way for this storm to be happening." I tell him. My fingers turning a slight blue. Kari and I were to weak for our age.

That's how I met Kari. At the hospital. She came from a heat stroke while I came for a cold. Our immune systems were compromised so we both tried to help each other.

We both spent weeks together recovering from something so simple. I learned loads about her and she I. I also learned her brother might blame himself for what happened.

She's too kind and I know it killed Her brother the day she came back. It hurt me too see another person like me. I should be the only girl to suffer. Not her it's not fair. But soon she and I became better. Well sometimes. Our tolerances are very low.

"I know it's okay." Izzy says to me wrapping his arms around my shivering form. The other kids look at me with wide eyes.

"Why is she shivering so bad?" Ty asked.

"You know Kari's condition right? Well I have it to. That's actually how we met. At the hospital." I tell him.

My fingers becoming painful and my cheeks turning pink. Kari can handle cold not hot and I'm the opposite.

"What's Kari's condition?" TK asked coming closer to me.

"She has a weak immune system and a very low tolerance to basic things." Mutters Ty.

Sora comes over to me and wraps me in a blanket while the pain brings tears to my eyes.

"This isn't normal. W-why does it hurt so much?" I whimper. Everyone's eyes give me a broken look. Joe, the son of a doctor comes over.

"I think you may have been in the cold for too long." He says to my shaking form.

"But we were only out in the cold for 20 minutes." TK says. I nod as much as I can then lean into my brother.

"She can't be out that long even. The longest she's been outside during those times is 5 minutes tops." Izzy explains.

"Will she be ok?" A girl named Mimi asked.

"G-guys I'll be fine. Don't worry." I tell them but my shaking tells them another story.

"You aren't supposed to lie about these things!" Izzy shouts. My fingers and legs still pained like swords. A tear slips past my eyes.

"W-who says I-I'm lying. Y-you need to stop worrying I-it's bad for your health." I stutter lecturing him. He just holds me and ignores my comment.

"Your just like Kari." Ty mutters.

I just nod and a few more tears glide down my cheeks. After about an hour the raging storm stops.

"Okay. You all will go out there and have fun. I call the nurses." I reassure them fixing my stutter but still shivering.

They reluctantly leave with a smile to reassure me. I hear gasps and awes.

My trembling hands pick up a phone and try to dial the phone. The cold air getting to me and making my head start to beet like a heart in pain.

My vision and hearing become unclear but I can still hear the phone say, no signal.

I just stay still wrapped in blankets but freezing cold. I let more tears pass as I slump back to the wall. I'm still conscious but barely.

Suddenly something crashes through the ceiling.

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