I looked at the TV which was blank and let out a huff then grabbed the remote. I turned on my side so I could get a better view and be more comfortable.

After about 30 minutes of watching the TV I heard a bang from my room followed by cuss words.

I walked over and knocked on the door "you okay Becca?" I asked. She soon was at the door in her pyjamas "I'm fine I just fell of the bed trying to reach the remote" I chuckled at her answer.

"If you want we can watch a movie out here together" I said and she gave me a smile and walked over to the living room couch. I take that as a yes.

I shut my bedroom door she left open then walked towards the TV. "Any requests?" I asked looking over the DVD rack.

"Taken or Gone" she replied with and I gave her a confused look "What? I like action movies" I chuckled as I placed Taken in the DVD player and pressed play.

I walked back to the couch and sat down next to her, she was sat crossed legged and had a pillow against her chest. I slouched down with one arm on the armrest and the other across the back of the couch.

I'm not going to lie I felt uncomfortable sat here with her next to me and watching an action movie. I huffed then ran a hand over my face in frustration. Damn look at what she's making me do!

"Ooh I like this part" it was the part when he realised the guy saying 'good luck' and started killing everyone in the building.

About another 45 minutes the film was over and we were both still wide awake. "Seriously why do you like actions?" I asked her and she just shrugged. I walked back over to the TV and turned everything off.

"I just do okay, but I do like other films too" she stated raising her pointer finger.

"Go on then. Favourite musical, action, comedy, scary and Romantic" I listed and waited for her to answer back.

"Okay umm....well favourite action is Taken. Comedy would probably be Anchorman. Scary would be Insidious two and Romantic would probably be The Notebook" WOW! okay then.

"Wait you forgot musical" I pointed out

"That's easy Grease" she replied back in an instant. I can't believe it she likes the same films as me. "What about you?" She asked back.

"The exact same. That's creepy" she gave me a nod and turned away from me. Oh crap! Have I blew my chances? I have, haven't I?!

"What about TV programme and Kids movie?" She asked me. "That's too easy, Two and a Half men and The Lady and the Tramp. You?" I asked back.

She raised an eyebrow before saying "That is creepy. The same again." I chuckled. Maybe she was the one for me, maybe all this was fate!

"Your gonna think I'm crazy for asking this, but anyway, Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked her.

"Erm kind of. I don't think it's love at first sight I think it's more LIKE at first sight. I mean c'mon you can't really be in love with them without knowing them properly. You have to get to know them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad, what makes them angry. And isn't that what dates are for?" She asked me.

I shook my head in disbelief and had to think of something to say quick before she noticed me staring at her like a mad man "Oh er yeah. Definitely. So what erm...what ermm....makes you sad happy and angry?" I asked with hopeful eyes wishing she would answer.

"I guess the sun and people smiling and having a good time makes me happy. I get sad at the thought of my baby brother which I'm not going into detail about. And I get angry at people shouting and arguing, even if I see strangers having an argument it would put in a bad mood all day" she answered and I nodded my head in response.

"Erm back to the other topic. Would you count this as a date?" I asked with my eyebrows raised and leaning forward into her more.

"Depends. Tell me what makes you happy sad and angry"

"Well like you said the sun and people smiling makes me happy. I get sad when I see other people crying and I get angry if people steal my food" she laughed at my last one, and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

We stopped laughing and she looked down at her watch "I better get to bed its nearly 4am" and she walked back to my bedroom door "goodnight" she smiled. "Night" I answered back.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face

*End of Flashback*

"Earth to Niall?" Becca clicked her fingers in front of my face and suddenly brought me back to reality.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked placing the sausage and egg toastie in front of me.

"I was thinking about last night" I decided I should just tell her, I can't really keep secrets hidden. "Was it a date? Or were you just playing with me?" I asked her taking a bite out of my toastie.

"It was..... a date. Only if you want it to be, I mean if you don't want it to be I totally understand" she rambled on, she was really cute when she rambled on, but I'm not about to tell her.

I smiled at her "It was the most perfect date I've ever had" and took a bite out of my toastie whilst she blushed.

"Oh by the way Brooke and Harry said they are staying in bed all day and are doing nothing at all, so don't bother them" I gave her a nod understanding and carried on eating.

"About last night when you said and I quote 'I get angry when people steal my food' what would you do if I did this?" She tried an Irish accent and it was pretty good actually.

She leant over and grabbed my toastie taking a bite out of it then placed it back onto my plate. "You did not just do that?" I questioned/warned at the same time.

"What you gonna do about it leprechaun?" She leant over the table teasing me.

"I dunno I'd just have to do THIS!" I launched myself over the table tickling her stomach and sides.

"S-stop p-please I c-can't b-breathe" she stuttered out laughing so much and I couldn't help but laugh with her again.

"Say Niall Horan is the most sexy man ever to walk on the planet and I love him to pieces" i carried on tickling her and she soon surrendered.

"Okay okay. Niall Horan is the most sexy man to walk on the planet and I love him to pieces" she said when I stopped tickling her.

"And I think after last night, I might just love you back" I admitted and bent down capturing her lips in mine. The kiss was so amazing!

I've kissed a lot of girls in my time and this was the best by far. I felt sparks and I could see fireworks with my eyes closed.

The kiss wasn't heated but it surely was tongues and I grazed mine over hers so delicately. I pulled back and stood up helping her onto her feet.

I had placed my forehead onto hers and our noses were merely touching. "And the answer to the food is. You can have any of mine as long as you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she smiled before placing a quick and tender kiss on my lips

"I'd love too"


A/N: Again sorry if its short to your liking but I spent hours thinking of what to do in this chapter and I couldn't think of anymore!

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My Bandmates Girlfriends Sister! (A One Direction fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang