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We drove back home. Rowan and Liam ran inside. I sat in the car with Katelynne. She looked at me and asked, "Are you okay?"
"Can you please give Kellin the CD?" U asked.
"How about this. If he is in the living room, put it on his pillow in the room, but if he isn't then give it to me. Deal?" She said. I nodded my head. We got out and walked inside. She then whispered I my ear, "Put it on the pillow."
I walked up stairs and walked in the room. I went to Kellin's side and placed it on this pillow. I walked back out and went to my room. I was on the half way up the steps when Kellin said "Raven? What were you doing in my room?"
I ran upstairs and went laid down on my bed. I put in my earbuds and started listening to I Will Now Bow by Breaking Benjamin. I then slowly started falling asleep.

A few hours later, I woke up. I took out my earbuds and looked at my phone. It was 1 in the morning. I got up and changed into sweatpants and a tank top. I then walked downstairs. I grabbed something to drink and noticed no one was up. I grabbed a Monster and went back upstairs and grabbed my skateboard and my keys. I went to my door and locked it. I the went to the balcony jumped down. I went around the house and went to the front. I started running and then hopped on my stakeboard. I went to Vic's house.
I got to Vic's house and saw two more cars there. I went up to his door and knocked. Tony answered the door. "Raven? What are you doing here at 1:30 in the morning?" He asked
"Is Vic here? If he is with his girlfriend, I understand, I just need to talk to him." I said.
"No. Danielle isn't here. I think he is in his room." He said. I walked in and was going up the steps. "He might be sleeping." I nodded and walked to his room.
I knocked on his door and he said "Come in!" I walked in. "Raven? What are you doing here?" I just stared at him. "What's wrong?"
"I feel like I did the wrong thing not talking to Kellin and being pissed at him. I can't even look at him without feeling terrible and disappointed in myself." I said almost crying.
"Why do you feel that Raven?" He asked.
"I feel like I hurt him in more ways then anyone has done to me and I can forgive myself. After all the stupid fights we had, all the arguments." I stopped. I had tears coming down now. "I am pushing away the last family member I have."
He come over to me and hugged me. "What about your grandparents?" He asked.
I pulled away. I just shook my head. "They don't care about me. They never did." I said. "They cancelled me out. My mom is gone. Kellin is the only person left and I am pushing him away and I don't know what to do. You would think after two and a half years of living with my grandparents I would learn something. I am 16 and I have like nobody."
"Raven. You have Kellin, Katelynne, us, and sleeping with sirens. You have people." He said.
"I just don't feel like they care about me. I feel lonely." I said crying even harder then before. "Please help me do the right thing Vic. Please."
He came near me. "You need to talk to him Raven. Like seriously." He said. It was quiet for a moment. "Did he say anything about the CD?" He asked.
"I don't know. I feel asleep and then I grabbed a monster and climbed out of my room." I said quietly.
"Raven! Why!?" He said a little pissed.
"I didn't want to make noise." I said.
It was quiet for a while. "Well it's too late for you to go home, so you will sleep here." I nodded.
"I will sleep on the couch." I said about to walk out.
"No you not." He protested.
"Well if I sleep in the same bed as one of you guys, it equals to a huge mess. I am sleeping on the couch." I said. I walked out. I went downstairs and went to the couch. I laid down and soon enough I was passed out.

I woke up. I looked at the clock. It was 7:20 in the morning, I got off the couch and went to the kitchen. When I walked in, Mike was up. "Hey Mike." I said.
"Hey Rav. Why are you up so early?" He asked.
"I don't know. I can ask you the same thing." I said.
"I got hungry." He said.
I just nodded. "Well I should probably go before Kellin yells at me. Tell Vic I said thanks." I said and walked out.
I grabbed my skateboard and started riding back to my house. After about a few minutes I got home. I opened the front door and closed it quietly. I was going to walk up to my room when I heard "Raven, where were you?" It was Kellin. Why was he up?
"Umm out?" I said more of a question the an answer.
"Where?" He said.
"I left at like 1 this morning. I went to Vic's. I needed advice." I said with my head down.
"Why didn't you come to me?" He asked kind of worried.
"It was about you." I said really quietly. There was complete silence. "I am going to get ready." Then I went upstairs. I went to my room and put my skateboard down. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I undressed while waiting for the shower to warm up. I then got in and washed my hair. I got out. I went to my closet and put on my undergarments. I then put on my black skinny jeans, a black bandeau, and a black and grey tank top. I walked out of my room and put in glasses on. I walked back to my closet and put my white high top converse on.
I walked back downstairs. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I was about to walk out when Kellin come in. "Raven what did you talk to Vic about?" I stayed quiet. "Raven."
"I feel like I am pushing everyone away. Especially you. I feel like I have no one Kellin. I feel alone." I said. "I asked him for advice to not feel like this. To not feel guilty that I am pushing you away with everyone else and I feel like I am hurting in so many ways." He stayed quiet. "I am trying so hard right now, you wouldn't believe what is happening inside my body right now." I just sat down in a chair.
"Raven. I didn't know you felt like that." He said. "Even though you hurt me, it is fine. I will forgive you, and we can help you. You just have to give us a chance."
"I know. It is just hard for me to trust people." I said looking down at my hands. "I am just going to need time."
He nodded and I threw away my apple core. I walked out to the leaving room and saw Liam and Rowan acting "causal".
I went back upstairs and grabbed my wallet, keys, phone, and my skateboard. I walked back downstairs.
"Where are you going?" Kellin asked.
"The store. I need to get a few things." I said.
"Can I come?" Liam asked.
"Yeah sure." I said leaning my skateboard against the door. He came over to me.
"Can I come too?" Rowan aske fx
"Yeah, come on." I said. "Anyone else?" I said asking Kellin.
"Copeland?" He said. I gave him a serious look. "No. I think that's it." I nodded and walked out the door with Liam and Rowan.
I got in my car and Liam and Rowan sat in the back. Before I left I turned towards them. "I will buy each of you one thing. So pick wisely." I said. They started shouting yay.
I started the car and went to the closest Walmart. I got out with the boys and they started running. I chased after them. I bumped into someone. "Sorry, I need to get my step brothers." I said. I then bolted into the store. "Great." I said. I walked around Walmart and Liam was where the games were and Rowan was were the candy was. I got Rowan and he picked out candy, then I went to Liam and he got a game. I went to the energy drinks. I grabbed a Monster and a Rockstar. I then dragged them to the hair dye. I grabbed seven colors. I grabbed three pastel colors, which were blue, purple, and green. The other four were blue, purple, red, and a red violet. We went to the check out and payed for the stuff. I grabbed the bag and we walked to the car. I put the bag in the passagers seat and was about to get in my seat when someone called out my name. I turned and saw Johnnie and Damon. "Hey guys." I said. I looked in the car and Rowan was trying to get him candy. "No." I said.
"Hey. Long time no see. What happened to you at Warped?" Damon said.
"Can we not talk about that? That was months ago." I said.
"Yeah. Totally." Damon said.
"Also you bumped into me." Johnnie said.
"Yeah. Sorry about that." I said. I pointed to Liam and Rowan in the car. "They decided to run off and I was in charge. But hey, I have to go or Kellin is going to worry that we crashed. See you guys later." I said and got in the car.

We got back home and they ran into the house. I got out of the car and walked in. I saw Liam in the living room showing everyone the game that he got and Rowan stuffing his face with the candy. I closed the door and they looked at me. "I see they are enjoying what they got." I said. Kellin and Katelynne starting chuckling. "Your welcome guys." I said while walking up to my room.

I walked into my bathroom and got my bleach out. I started bleaching my hair. After a while, I walked downstairs and got something to eat. "Um, Raven? What are you doing?" Kellin asked as I walked out.
"Bleaching my hair. I am re dying it." I said. "But it has been a while so I have to wash it out." I went back upstairs and washed it out.
I parted my hair in the middle. I mixed the dye with the developer. I then dyed half my hair purple and half blue. I ate my food and went back downstairs. "Almost done?" Katelynne asked.
I jumped a little. "Yeah. I just need to wash it out in about five minutes. Why do you ask?" I said.
"Cause everyone is going out for dinner and we are waiting for you." She said.
"You guys don't have to wait for me. I could have found something to eat here." I said.
"We are taking you." Kellin said making me scream.
"I have no choice do I?" I said. He shook his head. "Fancy?"
"Yeah." He said. I nodded and walked upstairs. I washed the dye out and got in the shower. I took a quick one and got out. I walked to my closet and got out my black dress that had the stomach area cut out. I put that on and did my makeup. Just a natural look.
I went back to my room and grabbed my nude color heels and put them on, I went to my desk and put on my mom's ring, the necklace, and a few more rings. I put my hair up in a ponytail. "RAVEN! HURRY UP!" Kellin yelled.
"COMING!" I said. I grabbed my phone and walked out. I was walking downstairs. "Who is actually coming? You don't usually pick a fancy restaurant to eat at." I asked before I got down the stairs. I turned to the living room to see Vic and his band. "Um, am I missing something?" I asked confused.
"We are actually going to a fancy restaurant to discuss a tour with my band and Vic's." Kellin said.
"Okay. I would have been happy with pizza or tacos." I said.
"Told you Kel! It should have been tacos!" Vic said.
"I am joking, but I am also craving them." I said. "But no seriously are we going or am I going to get stared at by Tony and Jaime all night? Cause if I am I am staying home and eating pizza." I said.
"Okay. Yeah, let's go." Kellin said.
"Thank you." I said. "Also we are taking two cars right?" I asked. Kellin nodded. I took Vic's keys and unlocked it. I sat in the passagers seat and waited for them. They finally got in the car. "Took you long enough." I said laughing.
"Why do you get the front?" Jaime asked.
"I'm sorry, but some people took a while." I said with a smirk. He then stayed quiet. Everyone started laughing.

Kellin Quinn is My FatherWhere stories live. Discover now