Odd Conversations with Pixies

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“Harry! Ron! Where have you two been? Hermione and I have been looking everywhere for you two.” I said the next morning at breakfast as I spotted the two eating.

                “You haven’t heard? There was a big party last night and everything.” Ron asked between bites of sausage and bacon.

                “Hermione might, but I went to bed early. I was really tired for some reason last night. What happened to you guys?”

                “We couldn’t get through the barrier at the station, so we panicked and flew Mr. Weasley’s car into the Whomping Willow tree. Then we spent the rest of the feast eating in Snape’s office before going to bed.” Harry explained as I was sitting down.

                “I knew I should have stayed behind with you guys. So what happened? The gateway just sealed itself? Or did something happen? I feel bad because once Ginny and I were through I didn’t look back to make sure you guys made it through. I didn’t even give it a second thought until Hermione said something at dinner last night.” I said helping myself to some eggs benedict.

                “We are not sure what happened, one second you guys went through and the next it was a solid wall. Then when the clock struck eleven, we knew it would not do any good to get through any way; let alone if anyone could get back out. We did the only thing we could think of and that was to fly my dad’s car here. Though it was kind of fun flying in, need to work on our landing though.” He said smirking.

                Hermione came in and sat down next to us, “Good Morning, how did you guys sleep?” She asked in a sort of dreamy like state.

                “Umm…good. Are you ok? I know it’s the start of a new term and all but you could dial back the cheeriness a bit.” Ron was the first to answer.

                “Sorry if I am excited to learn, you two should be as well. Then you might have remembered Harry’s owl instead of a flying car to get to school.” She said as Professor McGonagall passed out our time tables and we got ready to leave for classes.

                “Miss Saint, how was your summer?” She asked as she handed me mine.

                “It went well Professor, thank you. I was able to practice my Animagus off and on. I have become quite good at it, thank you again. How was yours?”

                “Fine thank you. I am glad to hear that you haven’t had any problems. I will see you in class then.”

                “Wait Professor, I was wondering…actually Ginny Weasley was wondering if I might help her learn the spell as well. I told her I did not want to do anything without talking to you first.” I said standing up.

                “Wise choice Miss Saint. Let me speak with her first, and then we will go from there. Thank you for not trying anything first.” She said spying Ginny a few seats down from us.

                “I would not dream of it. I wouldn’t want her to get stuck in her animal form or halfway. I don’t think Mrs. Weasley would be very appreciative.” We chuckled and then went our separate ways.

                I ran to catch up with Harry and the others who were on their way to Professor Sprout’s Herbology class when I bumped into Snape.

                “Good morning Severous how are you?”

                “Detention Miss Saint. The audacity, you know to call me Professor Snape.” He said as he glared down at me.

Star-Crossed Witch: Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ