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Claire kept driving forward for about three minutes until we came to a rough stop. I had to hold back Gray from falling out and Zach had to hold me back.

She said we had to run when we stopped so as soon as the truck's engine turned off, we rushed out.

"C'mon, go inside," she whispered motioning at us to follow Owen.

We ran inside the closest building which happened to be the Innovation. Center... The last place I saw my father.

"Control Room! That way!," Claire yelled and we didn't hesitate.

We kept running until we hit the Creation Lab and every was gone. It was like a ghost town. "They evacuated the lab?," Claire said, he r voice was confused which made me confused. Well, yeah, Claire. If there's a psycho dinosaur on the loose, you'd think people would want their lives.

We followed Claire and Owen into one of the labs. There were spines in some kind of liquid, connected to colorful wires. And little creatures inside of display tanks.

I was holding onto Gray's shoulders tightly but it didn't seem like he minded. We walked over to the animals. I identified one of them as a Cuttlefish.

We jumped when we heard a metal clank. It was just some InGen guys who were taking the embryos?!

I started at them but Zach held me back. I couldn't say no to him, when it came to Zach (or Gray), I was vulnerable.

"What are you doing?," Claire asked, clearly confused.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, sweetheart," we heard a voice say. Hoskins. Fucking son of a fuck.

I saw Claire roll her eyes, "where's Henry?"

"Dr. Wu, he works for us," he responded sternly with his hands on his hips. His eye turned towards me, "and you, kid, you have some anger issues."

"No, you dipshit, it's called a broken heart. You probably wouldn't know what that feels like cause you don't have one." I spat at him. It was quiet for a bit until Gray opened his mouth.

"That's not a real dinosaur," Gray said peeking out from behind Owen, my arms still on his shoulders.

"No, it's not, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure this company has a future," Yeah, Hoskins, I will, "imagine, that one. Fraction of the size, intelligent able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. See, millions of years of evolution, what we learned. Nature is the g- oh, shit!" He yelled.

A raptor (couldn't tell which one), jumped out of nowhere towards Hoskins. I instantly grabbed Gray and pulled him back, tighter in my grip and Owen spread his arms out to protect the four of us.

"Easy. Easy, boy," Hoskins said backing up against a glass.

"She's a girl," I said to myself, rolling my eyes.

"Easy, hey, hey. W-We're on the same side. Right? Right?," he said putting his hand out to pet the raptor. Psh, only Owen can do that... I think.

The raptor had no mercy for him (I wouldn't either). She chomped down on his arm and his screams filled the room, that's when Owen and Claire pushed us to run. We ran into the viewing hallway and Claire followed, whisper screaming, "left, control room!"

We started to run but was immediately stopped by the raptor flinging herself through the glass window. I skid on my feet almost falling but Zach caught me pulling me up. We ran through the Innovation Center again and on our way out, Gray was smart enough to hit the dilophosaurus projection to slow down the raptor.

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