Chapter Two:

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Present Time

"Miss Sanako!" My teachers yells at me.

My head quickly shoots up and I rub my eyes, "I-I'm awake sir."

Yuki giggles writing in her notebook, "You've fallen a sleep more times than I have Hikari."

I frown agreeing with her.

I'm in the disciplinary committee now, ever since Zero found out that I was almost killed by a level e.

Every day and night I had to work hard and those day class girls made my life hell.

"I'm just not used to being a prefect yet... that's all" I yawn.

Yuki nods, "I see. Well, class is over now so I'll see you at the gate!" She smiles, hurrying out of the door while everyone scurries about.

Before I even reach the gates I can hear the painful screams and cries of the day class girls.

"God if only killing wasn't a sin.."

Quickly I rush over to Yuki's side and help her push them back.

"Hello ladies!" Aidou chants walking at the front of the night class.

"OH MY, IDOL!!" One girl screams, falling to the ground in awe. 

I pull a disgusted face watching her.

Aidou raises his eyebrow walking towards me. "You seem to be working hard Hikari" 

Aidou leans down, his face next to mine. "Be careful, you might hurt yourself" He winks moving a strand of hair out of my face.

My cheeks become heated, "A-Aidou p-please stop!" 

'thump' 'thump' 'thump'

kya! Now my heart is racing. 

"Oh? Should I?" He smirks trailing a finger down my warm cheek. 

Suddenly a pale hand smacks Aidou's away from my face. 

Aidou raises an eyebrow looking to the side.

"Get back to your group Aidou!" Zero growls giving him a death threatening glare.

Aidou chuckles stepping away from us, "Chill out Zero. Me and Hikari were just having a little fun" He smirks then walks back to a waiting Akatsuki. 

I sigh looking at the ground.

"And you!" Zero barks making me look at him, "Stop acting so frail" He growls, "You're just like Yuki. Toughen up a bit would you!?"

Zero's voice takes me off guard and I quickly nod gulping loudly. He rolls his eyes then turns on his heel, walking off. 

'That was scary...' I think to myself, 'It's been two weeks since I first arrived at Cross Academy and I'm still not close to Zero. Although, I did make a few friends in the night class so I was happy. 

With my force I continue to push the day class girls back.

This goes on for another 15 minutes until they finally decide to obey the rules, retreating back to their dorms in silence. 

Sun Dorms

"Why does this job have to be so troubling!" I whine falling onto my bed. 

As my back hits the soft mattress I shut my eyes tightly. 

Yuki said that I could go back to my dorm and sleep and that she would cover for me.

I smile. 'She's so nice...'

I turn onto my side and hug my pink teddy bear.

My thoughts flash back to my life before Rido had found me. 

Smiling. I was smiling. My mother was there. My little brother... he was clinging onto my leg.

We were all laughing. We all had each other.

'I thought it would stay that way but...' My hand shoots up to the necklace around my neck. 

"If you ever need help at anytime then God will always help you! Never forget, you are never alone."  My mother's voice echoes in my mind.

'Yes mother. I'll keep believing.'

And with that I felt myself drift off into an unpleasant slumber that would be filled with horrendous nightmares about those beasts in human form. 

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