Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"So, ummm...," I try to get on task, but he's still staring at me, as if he's trying to figure out a way to tell me something. "Uh... the-- um... assignment." I duck my head down to hide my blush.
"Listen, I, uh...," he starts. "I'm sorry about what happened today in the hall. Celes-- um... Celia-- what she said? How she holds that-- or this, if there is a this--" he motions between us. "--Against you, it's not fair."
I scoff. "You ain't kidding." I mutter and he's looking even deeper into my eyes. For whatever reason now, I start remembering the things Celes and I used to do when we were friends. We used to make up all these cute little holidays, just for us. Every Saturday she'd come over and we'd make ice cream sundaes on my kitchen counter. After a while, when she came over, we'd start making each other's sundaes, because we knew each other so well. Tears are coming to my eyes threatening to spill out.
"Well, Paisley,--"
Wait! Did he just call me 'Paisley'? Not even 'Just Paisley' but 'Paisley'?!
"-- Paisley I like you!"
I full on laugh at that and he just looks at me confused. "Could've fooled me." Now I'm nervously twirling my thick, wavy, brown hair with blonde tips.
"Paisley, what do you think this is?" He asks.
"I think that this is some kinda stupid dare to bring my life down more then it is. I think that you're only doing this to reassure that the stupid lie is still true! You guys just want leverage and something to hold over me! Even if I wanted to say yes," I'm in the middle of saying, but I quickly add, "which I don't, I wouldn't. Because you guys would retaliate and come back at me. And I know you already have a girlfriend." I throw at him and the conversation is over. For the rest of the class, all we spoke about was our debate topic.
But at least I was still talking to him.
As I'm walking out of class, alone, Ronan is walking next to me. He's so brave. He's not even worried about being seen with me.
"How about this," Ronan's saying. "We exchange numbers now, and later today you come to my house to work on the assignment."
"Well, you got some nerve even being seen with me now." I start. Why is he acting so desperate?
"But if someone caught me walking into your house there'd be problems. And you know damn right what everyone would think."
I'm contemplating whether blowing him off would be a good idea. I mean, we do have to work on our debate project."
"Then, I'll go to your house."
"Fine!" I snap.
"Why is it so hard for you to think anything good could come out of your life?! What is so wrong with me that you don't like. I thought you had that crush on me since freshman year!" Ronan's now yelling and my tears are ready to spill over.
"I'll text you my address tonight." I spit out and walk away with my head down. I let my little droplets of anger, jealousy, embarrassment and sadness fall.
"I HATE HIM!!!" my heart yells.
"You love him!" speaks my brain.
"It's complicated..." says my gut.
"I just need some time." whispers my mouth.

Paisley: alright, my adrss is 37 Block Ave. im srry bout wut hppnd today btwn us wish i cud take it back ronan. i think i might still like you but its cmplcatd. btw ma mom's not gunna b home.
As soon as I send my message I want to take it back. Even with all the text language, it's too heart-felt, too personal, too strange... too me. But I suppose he understood because the message I receive is:
Ronan: its ight. i totly get it i b thr @ 5:00
And that's exactly what time it is now. So he should be here...
My phone starts blaring The Script out loudly. I read the screen and the message is from Ronan.
Ronan: 1 prob... u frgt 2 tell me its an aprtmnt
Oops! I reply quickly with the room number.
I check the clock and it reads 5:01.The doorbell rings. "It's open!" I holler from my room in the back of my three bedroom apartment. I hear the door click and footsteps spring up in the living room. My yorkshire terrier, Phoebe, is already attempting to attack Ronan's leg. He bends down to pick her up and she starts licking his face.
"Hey! Paisley, who's this little fella?" he asks.
"Oh, that's my dog Phoebe." I reply.
"You didn't tell me you had a dog."
"Then you should probably know about my little brother, Loki." I trail off and speak of the devil, Loki barges through the door with his baseball equipment slung over his shoulder.
"I'm home! Oh, um Pey?" he questions and something clicks in his mind as his faces changes from curiosity to suspicion. "MOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! PAISLEY'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!" he screams at the top of his lungs. Ronan and I blush simultaneously.
"NO! I DON'T!!!!!!" I scream as well and then I grab Phoebe from Ronan and rush the both of them to my bedroom.
I slam the door shut and plop down on my bed with Ronan and for a while we just lay there out of breath on my gray comforter looking up at my white ceiling and observing my blank walls.
"Sorry about Loki. I thought he was at his dad's house today."
"Your parents are split up?" Ronan asks.
"Loki's parents? Yes. My parents? Kind of. My dad-- um, he died. I don't like going into details. Loki and I have the same mom but, his dad is still around."
"Oh," Ronan swallows back whatever lump was in his throat. "Anyway. You're a very dull person I see." he continues while trying to lighten the mood.
"Never been into decorating." I say in return. Ronan finds himself looking into the large mirror on my wide, white dresser.The mirror is covered with all my favorite memories. It's the only thing with color in my room.
"What about these?" he goes to pull a picture out from under the mirror's frame. It's one of many of the photos I keep there from my past. He happened to select the photo from Celia and I's first "Sundae Saturday".
"Just photos from a happier time."
"Is that Celes?" he spurts out. "Sorry, I meant to say Celia."
"Yes, it is." I'm not even offended. And for the rest of the night Ronan and I forget about our worries, forget about our project, and only speak of our lives. When he leaves at 11:00 I don't think I'll ever feel more alive.

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