Chapter 4

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"Its about time you show up." I said. "Sorry, we packed tons of food." Maycee said. "I brought a plug in heater." Brenden said. "How could i forget about that? Its the middle of December." Allysanne said. I laughed. The girls laid their things in the 'Blue Room'. "So i have tons of food, Eat whatever." Allysanne said. Brenden got up and got a sandwich. I got a gatorade. Allysanne and Amy got a chocolate rice crispy treat.

Allysannes favorite snack food was rice crispys."So were are staying all night?" I asked. "I hope so." Ian said. "Yeah." Amy said. "Whos phones need charging right now?" Allysanne asked while plugging in the small heater. "Mine does." Ian said. "Yeah. Mine and Amys do to." Maycee said. "Plug them in. Then before we go to sleep, we can charge the rest of ours." Allysanne said.

I looked at Ally, and she looked at me. "What?" She said. I laughed. "I dont know. You were looking at me." I said. "You lie!" She yelled. "Noo." I said.


"Alright fine."

Allysanne smiled. "So hey Amy." Ian said. "What do you want." Amy said. "What do I want?" Ian said. "OhMiGosh! Leave me alone you fag." Amy said. "Woah!" Brenden yelled. "Amy!" Allysanne yelled. "What? He pisses me off." Amy said. I laughed.

Allysanne walked into the 'Blue Room', and I followed her. "Its been along time hasnt it." I said. Allysanne walked by the window. She touched the glass. "Since my Dad and Mom died. 4th grade." She said. I heard the quiver in her voice.

Ally's Mom and Dad died in a car accident years ago. They were driving back from Texas, the rodes were icy, and they lost control of the wheel. Then a semi-truck ran into them. It killed them instantly. I walked over to her."Its alright." I said. I put my hand over hers and took it off the window.

She quickly let go of my hand. "Thanks Shane." She said. She smiled then walked back to the 'Red Room'. "What did you guys do in there?" Brenden asked. "They were only gone for like 2 minutes, what could they possibly do?" Maycee said. "We talked." I said. Then Allysanne sat beside Brenden.

"Its getting kinda dark. Lets lay our blankets out." Amy said. "Good idea." Allysanne said. The girls laid their blankets in the 'Blue Room.' So the boys laid their down in the 'Red Room'. They put the other phones on charge. At 12:46 Maycee and Amy fell alseep. At 2:55 Ian and Brenden fell asleep. I decided to check on the girls. Allysanne was still awake.

She was crying. "Ally, are you ohkayy?" I asked. She quickly wiped her face and sat up. "Yeah." She said I sat beside her. She leaned into my shoulder. "Brings back memories. I miss them." She said in a whisper. "I know." I said.

We sat there in silence. Soon enough, Allysanne fell asleep on me. I laid her down on her blanket and pulled the blanket over her. I watched her for a while. She was so relaxed. I never realized how stressed she was during the day until now.

She looked so innocent. I soon got tired and went to sleep.

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