"I said, I would ask you and let him know." I guess Eleanor has been asking him nonstop about you."

"I would love to meet them!" I smiled. Niall told me a lot about Louis and his wife, they had been married for a couple years now. They had a perfect marriage. They had two daughters, forgot their names but Niall was their god-father. 

"How does tomorrow sound?" He asked, the doors opened as we walked over to the black range rover parked in 4C. Niall helped me into the car. 

"Sounds lovely. What do I need to bring?" Niall ducked into the car, "You know, I should probalay ask."

I nodded, "That'd be good."

He started the car up and smirked over at me. "What?"

"Nothin." He lied as he pulled out of the garage. "Niall James?"

"Ooo, you used me middle name." 

"Correction, my." I reached to change the station. He smacked my hand, "Do not touch my radio." 

I rolled my eyes, Niall was very anal about his music, "What were you thinking earlier?"

He blushed, "My dear Leonora-"

"Don't start." I chuckled. 

He laughed, eyes still on the road, "I was just thinking."


"Nosey, aren't we?"

I rolled my eyes again. "I was just thinking about how stunning you look in that dress. That color really complements you. Nora," He groaned, "You are so sexy."

I swallowed, I was getting turned on by him, right this very second. He looked over at me, blue eyes ablaze, "Too much?"

I made a smile and put my hand on his thigh, he tensed under my touch, "No."

His grip tightened on the wheel, "Okay." 

I bit my lip when I released how frustrated it made him for me to touch him like that. I kind of enjoyed seeing him squirm. "Nora, you better stop or else I will have my way with you in the backseat." 

I removed my hand, and my face turned bright red. Niall and I haven't done anything in the few months we've been together. We pulled up to a restaurant called, The Wolseley. 

"This is super fancy, Niall." I said when the valet opened my door. "My lady." the man held out his hand. I smiled, "Thank you." 

Niall handed the keys to the guy and linked his arm with mine. I kissed his cheek as we walked in. "Name?" The host asked us. 

"I made a reservation. It is under Horan." The man's face brightened, "Ah! I knew I recognized you! How is the team? Ready for Sunday's game? Right this way."

We followed, "I think we are ready. Going to the game?"

The host nodded, "My wife and I are huge fans. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He laid out two menus. Niall held out my chair for me, "Thanks." I smiled as I sat down.  Niall pushed it in, the host smiled at us, "Your waiter will be right with you. Goodluck mate." 

"Thank you." We called. 

Niall was smiling. I blushed, "So, big game on Sunday?" 

"Yeah, but let's not talk about it. Tonight is just about you and I." He grabbed my hands.

"How did I get so lucky?"

Niall brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it, "I ask that everyday." 

Wings of an Angel ||niall horan|| Where stories live. Discover now