"Brianna and I are going to the amusement park today and if you and Jen want to come too, I'm sure she won't mind." Niall said to Harry and I answered for him.

"YES!" I almost yelled. "I would love that!" Harry looked uneasy about the idea and I wondered what his problem was.

"Harry? What about you?" Niall asked.

"Please please please please come Harry! It won't be as fun without you!" I pleaded and me and Niall gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Ok fine, fine, I guess I'll go." He answered regretfully.

"Yay!" Niall and I cheered and hi-fived.

"Okay now go get ready, this train leaves in 1 hour!" Niall exclaimed.

"Ok!" I said and I ran to the guest room, which I guess is technically my room but whatever.

I quickly ran into the bathroom beside my bedroom and hopped in the shower. I hadn't realized that it had been 4 days since I showered last and it felt so nice.

When I was done I jumped out, dried off and went to my room, with a towel wrapped around me of course, to find an outfit.

I looked through my dresser until I found the perfect outfit! A pair of high-waisted denim shorts with my favourite shirt which was figure hugging and a pair of VANS.

I then ran back to the bathroom, blow drying and straightening my hair, and then applying a small amount of make-up like Brianna had showed me yesterday.

I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror. "Perfect." I whispered to myself, although I knew I was an ugly child who didn't deserve the nice clothes I was currently wearing.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled to the door and Harry walked in looking cheerful.

"Hey love." He said, smiling at me. I blushed.

"Oh hi Harry." I answered.

He chuckled. "I just came in here to tell you that Niall invited his mate from uni and his girlfriend so there will be two more tagging along. Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah, of course!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

"Their names are Louis and Eleanor. I think you will really like them, they're a blast." He said.

"Ok can't wait!" I answered.

"Oh and Niall said you have ten more minutes until we leave." He shouted as he walked out the door.

"Ok!" I yelled back. "I'll meet you two in the kitchen!"

I continued applying my make-up and thinking about what a great day I was going to have.

Harry's POV

I sat with Niall in the kitchen while we waited for Jen to get ready for the day. I had just come back from Jen's room and Niall looked at me questioningly.

"Are you okay? It looks like something's bothering you. Whatever it is, you know you can tell me." He said to me with a worried look.

"Well..." I started and then quickly finished with her name. "It's Ashley." Niall looked at me and urged me to go on.

"The amusement park is where we met, and I don't think I'm completely ok with going there. I thought she was the one Niall! But she broke my heart." When I finished, Niall gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's ok mate, I'm here." he said pulling me into a hug. I loved Niall's hugs, they were so comforting. "She doesn't deserve a great guy like you."

My Saviour, Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن