Progolouge "a kit is born"

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"Owlfur!" Petalheart heaved "yeah what's wrong petalheart!" He gasped "my kits are coming!" Petalheart said ruffly "oh! Meadoweyes! Petalheart's kits are coming!" He yowled owleyes grabbed a mouthful of herbs and shot right out his den come with me we were heading towards the nursery she some herbs and i ate them then she told me to push i pushed and heard a mewling kit "it's a she-kit!" Owleyes said i looked down at the pure white with light blue eyes and orange at the tip of her ears and an orange tail "she's beautiful!" I whispered softly "what are you going to name her i heard rainkit shout "shhhh!" Owlfur snapped "sorry! What are you going to name her?" He whispered "hm... How about snowkit!" "That's a wonderful name!" He yowled "shhhhh!" Owlfur hissed "oops sorry!" He looked down at snowkit and smiled.

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