Chapter 13

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Brett's P.O.V

After Felicity had stormed up to her room, i stayed downstairs to finish dinner with my mum. As much as i wanted to go see if she was okay, i had to stay with my mum and finish dinner, I knew my mother would let me leave like she did Felicity.

When i finally finished my food, i took my plate and Felicity's to the kicthen, placing them in the sink. My mum approached me with her plate, i took it and placed it in the sink.

"You didnt have to do that" she smiled.

"I wanted to" i grinned, kissing her cheek and jogging upstairs.


I had knocked on Felicity's door with no answer, i opened the door after waiting for over five minutes. I wasnt expecting to see what i did. Felicity layed, sleeping with tear stained cheeks and a deep frown. I frowned at the sight, running my fingers down her tear stained cheek, she stirred at my touch but didnt wake up.

Just as i was about to exit the room, a paper fell to the floor, i furrowed my eyebrows. I picked it up and saw it was a note, but the top of it was ripped off, as i read through it, i realised it was a note from her parents to someone.

"Going through her stuff now, are we?" I heard my mums voice behind me, i quickly turned. There stood my mum, leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed.

"I uh...wasnt-i mean...what are you even doing in here anyway?" I asked quietly, she smirked.

"The door was open and i know for a fact that Felicity always closes her door" she told me, Jess came trotting in, jumping on the bed and cuddling into Felicity, am instant smile appearing on Felicitys face.

"Oh" was all i said, her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes narrowed on the note in my hands, she walked towards me and looked at it before snatching it from my hands.

"What are you doing with this?" She asked, her voice stern.

"I was just-" shw cutt me off.

"Did you read it?" She asked, i nodded and looked down at the floor, "Brett, this is her personal stuff" she scolded, placing the note on the desk. Then she dragged me out of theroom, closing the door.

"Where's the other half of the note?" I asked, she looked down.

"I dont know" she shrugged not looking at me, she was lying, "But i do remember giving it to her" she smiled sadly, "The poor thing, she was expecting to read a note saying they were coming for her or they were atleast visiting" mum shook her head, placing a hand to her forehead, "I never should've done it but i thought it would, i dont know, brighten her up a little"

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously as we just stood in the hallway.

"She was such an angry and depressed kid, i didnt know how to make her happy" she sighed, "So i found the letter and gave it to her"

"You found it?" I asked, "And who was the letter to? It obviously wasnt to Felicity cause they weren't addressing her in the letter" i told my mum, she smiled and shook her head.

"Forgot you were so smart" she chuckled, "Thats none of your business" i glared at her back as she walked away and to her office. Who was the letter to?

Felicity's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a blotchy face, which i covered with some old foundation i never used. I didnt feel like dressing nicely so i threw some jeans and a hoodie on, and my black converse. Brett came into my room to make sure i was going to school, i smiled and nodded, telling him i would be right down.

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