Chapter 35-How Beautiful Now Is

Start from the beginning

The judges weren't gonna tell us their decision today, or even tomorrow, they take a couple of weeks before actually telling you the news. I'm so anxious and I don't think I can wait that long to know if I made it or...not. Lets just hope for the best, I tried focusing on what's important right now and it's that I'm really hungry.

The three of us went to grab something from McDonald's, we talked and fooled around and I couldn't seem to take off that grin I had the whole time. I was just so happy to finally spend some time with Justin, although I would've wanted some alone time with him, but Fredo is a cool guy and he's our friend, so it's fine...I guess.

We had to go back to the arena as Justin had some sound checks for tonight's concert to do. I wanted to be there, I wanted to be by his side as he performs, just like he was by my side when I auditioned. And although he's probably not nervous and doesn't really need me there to be confident about himself, but we had a deal, he'd come to my audition and I come to his concert. He doesn't necessarily need me to be there, but it's enough for me to know that he wants me to be there.

I couldn't help but grin the whole concert as he sang and danced on stage, I forgot how amazing it is to see him perform and it's actually much greater to see him perform from close and not from behind the laptop screen. I would only be spending the weekend here in New York and then I'm gonna have to go back to LA.

Today was Friday and my first test was on Monday, meaning that I've got only Saturday and Sunday to spend with Justin. Although, I'd have to go back to LA by Sunday's afternoon to be able to go to school on Monday morning.

We went back to the hotel he's staying at after the concert, he was taking a shower while I was lying down on the bed, texting Brook. We're actually close friends now, all the things he's done are in the past, you could say that we're opening a new page in our lives. I was laughing at something he's said when Justin walked out of the bathroom.

I tried holding back the urge to look up at him and did my best to focus on just texting Brook. It took everything in me not to steal even one glance, but in the end, I couldn't help but steal one quick glance. He only had a towel around his waist, his hair was damp and I had this really huge urge to go and run my fingers through his golden locks, and although it would be awkward, but it still would've been worth it.

Minutes later, I felt the edge of the bed sink, I didn't have to look up from the phone to know that it was him. He sat beside me and rested his head on my shoulder as I continued chatting with Brook.

"Watcha doin?" I heard him whisper, his hot breath fanning on my neck, sent those goosebumps throughout my whole body.

"Chatting" I said and hoped that he didn't notice that I just shuddered.

"With who?" He asked and I could just feel him smirking.

"Brook" I managed to choke out, his touch just always manages to make it hard for me to breathe.

"How's he doing? " he asked, he knows that me and Brook are just friends and it makes me feel over the moon to know that he trusts me.

"He's getting better" I answered.

"That's good" he said leaving butterfly kisses on my neck making me completely melt under his touch.

"I've missed you so much" he whispered against my neck.

"I've missed you too" I managed to whisper.

I couldn't be any happier as we cuddled and just slept in each others arms, I missed this feeling, I've missed this. I've never felt this safe or warm before, I was happy, because everything was just perfect right now. The next morning came and I just wished if it was a little more late, because I just wanted to stay a little longer in his arms and if I want to be quite honest with you, I didn't want this to ever end, I wanted the night to last as long as it could.

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