The Demon and the Cat

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This is a small excerpt from the story I am working on.

The demon in the glass stirred. Darkness has settled. His talons scratched from beneath the surface not making a mark. His fangs bared in rage. It has been 200 years since that damned witch betrayed him, but she was still here just maybe not in flesh. Her magic was was fading and he could sense life around him, namely the human girl that found him. He wanted blood. He wanted flesh, to feel it being raked by his sharp teeth. He wanted to hear the screams of all that witch's ancestors for he would butcher them one by one, but it was all too soon. The pulsating magic that bound him had to be broken from the outside from the one who found him. He had a way out.

That human girl had heard his voice. She was not anything beautiful, but simple, fair skinned and ordinary, but she had distinct eyes. One was of clay brown and the other hazel.

Heterochromania eyes. She rested now and occasionally stirred and kicked in her sleep. The demon thought back to how he would use her.

He would poison her mind, a little bit at a time each day.

He would break her.

Then she would do his bidding.

He would make her form a contract with him of her own free will allowing him to steal her life force while he roams free on this Earth. Yes, he would do just that. But first he would need a body.

He needed something to befriend the girl while his real body rested in the mirror. Gathering his powers, the demon closed his obsidian eyes and sought out the nearest form of life. He had wanted to claim the flesh her father, but he was to far away from the mirror. His spirit loomed over in the girl's room. In this form he was blind, sensing only one living soul. His black misty tendrils brushed over the warm, soft, twisting flame that was the girl's soul. She was off limits for now. Then came another life, another soul. It slipped past the door into the room.

Yes, that was it. Was it her father? His spirit grasped at it, pushing his tendrils past barrier of flesh to grasp the soul inside. He covered it with his own soul. At first there was a struggle as with all prey, then slowly the struggling stopped. It's soul destroyed. The demon felt his own soul neatly placed in the body like a blanket covering. He flexed his legs and worked them like a new glove. The first thing he notice was how strange it was that he was crouched down on all fours. When he came to and opened his eyes that adjusted well in the dark.

Horror struck him. Everything was significantly larger in relation to his size, ranging from the desk, the chair, dressers, the bed and the door.This was no human that he possessed. He tried his voice, but only a loud pained "meow" escaped his throat. The demon knew then that the soul he pushed out was not of a human, but of a beast and he could not abandon this body until his powers strengthened.

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