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Aris POV:

This is bad bad bad. They are taking me away from her. Those idiots!

Before I met her she was hacking into and destroying data bases of the police and other people. She destroyed entire towns (did not kill people).

Her demons were going to be released. I was struggling against their grip. She stands across the room with tears climbing down her beautiful face. Her entire envied figure was held back by 7 guards.

They tied my hands behind my back. Despite my struggles, they managed to keep me still. I tried even more when she started to beg them.

They suddenly yanked me of my footing and I came crashing down. I know that soon I would black out, for my vision became blurry.

I took one last look at the love of my life. Everything about her is my world.

It's the way her long sleek hair rolled in curls down her back. The way her small waist is hugged by her silk dresses. The way her unique eye color were framed by large almond eyes. Her high cheek bones that brushed against her long eyelashes.

It was the way she refused to wear anything except her silk dresses. It was her deadly intelligence. It was everything about her that I fell in love with.

With her, I was a savior. With her, I was a hero. I was wanted and needed. She was my world and soon I would wake up without the memory of her.

"I love you amber." I said. She fought harder and screamed at me not to close my eyes. But it was enviable.

----time skip----

I awoke to sirens and flashing red lights. I was on a stretcher tied down being pushed by three guards. I laugh without humor.

"Ahh you people of the lower intelligence finally figured it out? She needs me. I tie up her demons. She is going to take you down." I say aloud.

The guards start to get twitchy and their sweat glistened against their hunched eyebrows. Their eyes that once was thought to hold a secret was now holding pure terror.

They push me through the hall. The sirens screaming in warning. Finally they push me trough a door. The white entryway swung and screeched with the force.

The lightings changed from a flashing red to a bright white glow. The infirmary.

A new pair of hands took the cart and was now guiding it throughout the room. I positioned my head so I could see who it is. Teresa.

"Ah they gave the job to a complete and uder idiot today did they?" I laugh out evilly.

"You know I'm not an idiot!" She said getting angry.

"Do you think they wanted you to work on the maze? You and Thomas were the package deal that's all. Out of the four of us including my girlfriend you were the stupidest." I say testing her. I want her to brake like they broke Ambers cage.

"That's not true it was my idea to through you into the maze early so that we can use ambers rage intelligence." Teresa says proudly.

"Holly shit you are an idiot! Let's use an example for your week mind. What is a baby like before they had a lollipop?" I ask. She continues to push me.

"Oblivious?" She asked.

"Exactly, what's a baby like when you give it a lollipop?" I question.

"Happy." She says with confusion.

"Now what's a baby like when you take the lollipop away from it."

"Sad and angry." She says still not getting it.

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