The battle

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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, I was on summer vacation and then once I came back, my laptop broke down. So, I finally decided that I have been keeping you guys waiting for too long and I am giving the chapter you have all been waiting for!!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is mentioned in pjo or hoo, Rick Riordon does.
Leo's POV
We all charged toward the battlefield with all our weapons in our hands, my metal knuckles around my fingers. Calypso was soaring right above me with two daggers in her hands. I have to say, I was kinda nervous, I'm the only one of the seven that has never fought against an army directly, and if i have, I'm in the background throwing stuff to make things go BOOM. This is the first time I have ever fought an army head-on. But, at least I have Calypso to save my butt.
I looked at her face, for one last time, and looked back to the army waiting ahead. They looked more like zombies rather than ghosts, they were all releasing a red aura and together, it looked like the army was coated in a layer of red flames. The ghouls in the front line were making a shield wall.
We were about 20 meters away from them, 15, 10, 5 and then we crashed right into their wall.
As soon as I made contact with their shields, my hands lit up in a frenzy, making a big green flame all around my fists. Turns out my entire body was acting up and I felt adrenaline course through my body. I attacked and dodged with out even having to worry, every punch was a kill, every dodge was a life saver. Every once in a while I would run into one of the other demigods but we would immediately loose sight again. I never saw Calypso but that didn't bother me, I already knew she was kicking zombie butt somewhere else.
The battle was ours, I already knew we would win easily. We had taken down half of the army already, and we were progressing. And then that's when I realized, I completely jinxed it. I encountered my first giant when I clears a large circle around me by emitting fire out of my body and making it catch onto all the ghosts around me.
I was expecting them to charge back in but they just cleared from my path. I could hear a quiet THUD THUD THUD, in the distance and I looked to where that sound was coming from. And that's where I saw it, a giant, running straight at me.
His features were unlike most Of his kin. His head was nearly bald, with only tiny leaves of hair sticking out in random places. He was skinny and wore nothing but a thin leather skirt, sort of like Tarzan and he was barefoot and running faster than any car you could think of.
Before he got to me, I jumped backwards, automatically activating my rocket boots which blasted me about 50 meters farther, right behind his army. I thought he would stop because he wouldn't want to trample his own men, but instead, he simply jumped right over all of our heads and landed 15 meters behind me.
"Ah, so your Leo Valdez, the son of Hephaestus. I heard that your the one that put mother back to sleep."
"Yeah, hi there. And you are? Let me guess... ScarMan?"
"Hahahahahahaha!!" He yelled. " you are funny! I am Elimus, nemesis of Hypnos, the God of sleep."
"Well Elimus, prepare to be eliminated." I said as I got into a fighting stance.
"Haha! Again, so funny!!" He shouted while wiping a tear from his eye. "Well Valdez, don't be afraid, it is an honor to die, while trying to defeat me." And with that being said we both charged at each other.
Finally done!! Seriously!! I had to rewrite that three times!!! Well, feel free to comment and vote and once again, sorry for not updating in forever.

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