Come one, Come all

Start from the beginning

I watched the trees fly by as we passed them. It was a cool day in Baltimore, and there was just enough overcast to cover the sun but hopefully not to threaten the day with rain. My father pulled into a parking spot, stopped the car, and turned to face me in the backseat.

"No one would fault you if you didn't show up... you know that right son?"
I lifted my head to look my father in the eyes, biting down on my lip.
"I need to do this dad, I can do this... I just... Can I go alone for now?" I sighed, turning my head to stare back out of the car window.

My father turned to look at my mother beside him and she gave a curt nod. I mumbled a quick thanks and stepped out of the car. I slowly walked over to the small group of people that was already formed and gently placed a hand onto the shoulder of the small woman in front of me. She quickly turned and I was faced with a red faced mother Gaskarth.

"Oh Jack... I'm so glad you're here." She gave me a sad smile, making my heart ache as she pulled me into a tight embrace.
I appreciated her gesture and quickly returned her hug.
"Me too Isobel... My parents should be over here soon." Just as she fully released me I heard a small sniffle behind me. We both turned to see my parents standing there.

"Oh Isobel I am so sorry... It's been hard on all of us I couldn't begin to imagine how you're coping... Especially with Tom an-."
"MOM." I interrupted her. "Please, stop..."
Isobel placed a soft hand onto my shoulder.
"Dear, it's quite alright... I am doing okay today, thank you Joyce, Bassam for your support."
I walked away from them relishing in the fact that their voices were slowly being drowned out.

"Jack! Wait up!"
I turned to see Rian and Zack running up to me, Rian short of breath.
"There you are! We knew you'd be here early. You just. You haven't been answering us... How are you Jack?" Rian's sentence began to drift off and Zack just gave a sympathetic look.

"I won't lie, I've been torn up. I'm doing okay as of this moment. Guys, I'm sorry. It's affected you too and I've been so selfish. I shouldn't have been ignoring you, you just wanted to help me. I should have been helping you guys to-"
I was suddenly cut off by Zack.

"Jack. We understand. Yeah, it was hard. But we both know it's been so much harder on you. Don't worry about it. We're all here now yeah?" I gave a grateful smile and hugged them both.

Zack wasn't one to talk much, but when he did things always seemed to be easier than they were just moments before.
"Guys I'm sorry.... but Cass wants some help finding the place... I'll be right back okay?" Rian asked, switching to give a sympathetic look at me.

Zack and I just gave small nods and watched as Rian walked away, phone already pressed to his ear. We stood in a comfortable silence for awhile until I suggested for him to go speak to Isobel for a moment. He had agreed and I was standing alone again.
The wind began to pick up a bit and I wasn't so sure that the rain would stay away the next few days like the weatherman had said.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Cass yelling my name. My head snapped up just in time to see her body before she crashed into me. She laid her head into my shoulder and tightly wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Jack! I've been worried sick, you can't keep yourself locked up like that okay? I know guys don't do feelings, but we were all worried. Please, at least talk to me if not Rian and Zack okay?" I pulled away from her embrace and gave a small smile and a short nod.

She let out a short sigh knowing I would just fall back into my old habits anyways. It's the thought that counts though, right?
We all looked up when we heard my father clearing his throat.

"Isobel said its time for us all to gather over there." He awkwardly pointed behind him to where my mother and the Gaskarth family stood.
We all shot each other the same kind of sad look and began walking back up the hill. We all gathered around Isobel and another man whom I'd never seen.

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