Hospital Fun!

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"M - Mikey what are you doing here?" I stutterd.

" I'm here to make sure your alright, an ambulance is on the way, you have two broken ribs, and I think the nurse said a fractured nose." He mumbled facing the ground.

I reach over to him, wincing in pain. He quickly looks up," No no no, Laela you can't move, your hurt enough."

I see his eyes is swollen and purple, and there's knot on his forhead. " What happend to you?" I ask.

" Well you see," he started " I was walking out of our class and noticed a big crowed, I heard a scream and went to see what was happening. I look and see you being kicked, then being stepped on. I couldn't just stand there and watch, so I tackled the guy. He punched me a few times in the face and once in the chest so I have one broken rib. But once he did that I started punching as hard as I can, next thing I know someone pulls me off of him, and I notice you, and pick you up and carried you here." He gave a half smile.

My jaw hung open.

I hardly know this guy and he's already saved me.

The nurse came to me with a glass of water, and pain killers. " Your a very lucky girl to have him as a friend, with the damage I saw, if you were kicked one more time your rib could have impelled your lungs."

My eyes widened and I gulped. Tears formed in my eyes. I turned
towards Mikey, " y-you saved my l-life." My voice was shakey.

As I said that the paramedics came in with a three stretchers. I was placed on one and Mikey on the other.

I wonder who the thirds for.

I see them lift a body and put it on the stretcher. It's the guy who beat me up. His face was smeared with blood, both his eyes swollen purple and shut. His lip is puffy and bleeding. He whimpers in pain as they lift him.

I look over at Mikey and back at the guy.

" That's Luke Hemmings, he's a complete douche. Him and his little gang. He picks on anyone who dosent like him and his fake "rock" band." Mikey stated.

I nodded my head. "See ya at the hospital, Mikey" I waved.

"Bet I'll beat ya there!" He smiles as he's wheeled on the ambulance.

"Oh no you wont!" I quickly shout.

Once I got there, they took me in the back room and did some stuff, that I don't remeber very well, I fell asleep.

I woke up in a hospital room, in bed. I look over and Mikey is sleeping on a bed next to mine.

He's so cute when he sleeps..

" Thanks" Mikey mumbles.

"Did I really say that out loud?" I gasp.

A smile creeps on Mikeys face, " Yea you did, don't worry your a cute sleeper too."

I chuckled and drifted back to sleep.



She is such a cute sleeper

I thought as she slept. She woke up earlyer but fell back asleep. I just woke back up.

Laela's little face was all scrunched up but it was adorable.

I wonder what she dreaming about.

Laela let out a small sigh, and her face unscrunched and just rested. For the next few minutes I watched her. Then I noticed her breathing picking up. And she was almost whimpering.

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