You're Kidding, Right?

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Kirstie's POV
"Okay musicians," our camp leader began, "now that we've all eaten lunch let's do a little challenge in order to get to know one another a little bit." Ah yes the duet challenge. It's when they partner everyone up in two and they compete in a friendly duet competition. Scott and I always make sure we get paired together, mainly because we always win. I immediately stared at Scott. We made it look like we barely knew each other, yet we made it look like we wanted to work together. Do you see where I'm coming at? Anyways the camp leader came by and looked at us.

"You two were partnered together last year so I'm sorry but I'm going to have to separate you." Scott and I both groaned and tried to hide it. "Okay Kirstie," they started after looking at my name tag, "I'm going to partner you up with... Oh how about Mitch!" She said pushing me beside him. He folded his arms.

"You're kidding, right?" He said sassily towards her. She looked away annoyed and continued partnering everyone up. I turned to Mitch and took a deep breath.

"Listen, it's pretty clear we don't like each other. So why don't we just pick a song and perform it." Mitch looked at me with his duh face on.

"No duh! What else would we do? Pick a song and make other people sing it?" I rolled my eyes and looked at Scott pleadingly. He was with his partner laughing and having the time of his life, but once he saw me, he looked at me with sympathy then turned back to his partner. I turned back to Mitch who was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Let's head to the cabin. It's more quiet there." He nodded his head and quietly followed me to the cabin. Once we arrived he immediately relaxed on his bed.

"Okay music nerd, what song should we do?" He started playing with his fingers. I shrugged.

"Well I wrote a song!" I said excitedly, "why don't we do that! It's a duet for Scott and I but I can change it to an octave higher for you." Mitch laughed, this time taking his phone out. "Mitch. No. Phones." I said through gritted teeth. He rolled his eyes and put it away.

"Jeez you music freaks are crazy about phones here. Anyways, I would like to hear this 'song' of yours before I decide on whether it's pure shit, or it's cool." I took out my music note book and laptop. He looked at me and pretended to be shocked, "So I'm not allowed to have my cell phone. But your allowed to have your laptop?" I nodded my head turning my attention to my laptop.

"We're not allowed our cell phones because we can take them out of our pocket and use them for unimportant reasons. With laptops were only allowed to use them for MUSIC." I said emphasizing the word music. Mitch shook his head.

"Whatever." He said very sassily, "just pull up that song." I rolled my eyes and pressed play. Mitch looked at the lyrics, nodding his head to the rhythm, and humming the melody. Once the song ended he looked at me. "Sure we can do it. But I've heard better Maldonado." I laughed and shook my head.

"Sure you have." I argued closing my laptop, "now let's figure out who's singing what. And yes I know your not a huge 'music fan'." I said taking the sheet music in my hands. We than figured out who was singing what and than decided to run it through.

I must say. This fella can actually get dedicated to something if he really tries. Soon he started adding a British accent to it and it made me laugh.

"What are you doing?" I giggled. He laughed clutching his stomach. Once he finished he smiled at me.

"Just experimenting. You know?" He giggled before going over his part one more time. Soon Scott got home and Mitch turned back to his old, grouchy self. What's up with him? Scott sat next to me and sighed.

"So you were put with my grouchy brother?" He chuckled a little, shaking his head.

"Scott you know what's weird?" I started as Scott shook his head, confused, "Mitch was laughing and smiling the ENTIRE time we were working on our duet. But when you got home he went back to his bad self. Do you think maybe your influencing his attitude?" I asked scratching my head. Scott looked at me, confused once again.

"Well it's not my fault he's always been this way." He protested shrugging. I shrugged back and got ready for bed. Soon I thought I was the only one awake so I decided to go get some water to help me fall asleep. When I was heading to our little mini kitchen I noticed Mitch's lights on. I went into the room to see him staring at the wall thinking.

"Are you okay?" I asked making him jump a little in surprise. He nodded his head looking at something he was holding. Once I got a glimpse of it, it was a picture of a young women. Mitch had a tear running down his cheek as he looked at her. "M-Mitch," I said slowly, "is that your mom?" Mitch turned to me and nodded. I walked slowly to the bed and hugged him. "Thank goodness you have a girlfriend to help you through this." He laughed and nodded again.

"Thanks Kirstie. My mom moved out a couple of years ago... She and I were really close. I mean I love Connie but I need my old mom back." He said as more tears escaped his tired eyes. I nodded my head. Maybe this is why he acts differently around Scott.

"Hey Mitch." He turned his head alerted, "why do you act all grouchy around Scott?" Mitch silenced. He sat there motionless and speechless. He then turned to me and sighed.

"Kirstie you should really get some sleep." I looked at him confused but then realized he probably just didn't want to talk about it. I got up and gave him a hug. "Why would did you do that?" He asked softly.

"Goodnight Mitch." I said before turning the lights off and closing the door. I sighed and headed back to my room. I laid down in my bed and thought, Why is Mitch so complicated?

My Friends Older Brother (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now