Since Gray was sitting in the middle, he reached a hand out to both of us and I gladly took it, laughing because he took what she said seriously. He smiled up at me then looked over at Zach while slowly letting go of my hand.

I looked around the truck and took in my surroundings and the weapons, just in case I needed them. I still have some pent-up anger inside of me from earlier.

"Nothing's getting in here, right?" I looked at the two boys and realized that Gray didn't really direct that question to me.

"Hey, do you remember that ghost at the old house. Do you remember the the one in the garage? I protected you, right?" Zach said looking straight at Gray, I didn't realize I was staring at him until a minute later but I wasn't going to stop.

"You mean, when you made a battle axe out of a ruler and paper plate?" Gray asked in response.

"Yeah, see, nothing's gonna get you while I'm around, okay?"

"But you're not always gonna be around." Gray said, his voice started to shake a bit and crack.

"Yeah, well, hey, we're brothers, okay? We're gonna always be brothers. And we'll always come back to one another, no matter what." Zach said and something in my chest leaped. He does care about his brother, I mean, even if he barely shows it, he does.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what," Zach smiled giving Gray a half hug and pressing their foreheads together.

When they pulled away, they both looked at me. "What?... Oh my hair is frizzy, isn't it?"

Gray giggled, do guys giggle? Well if they're only eleven they probably do. "Mal, we're sorry about your dad. If we could go back in time in change that, we would."

"Hey," I said restraining my tears and placing my filthy hand in Gray's dirty cheek, "I'll be fine, okay? I'll manage. I made a family at Jurassic World on purpose because that was what my father told me to do."

"Really?" Zach asked. I looked up at him, he was confused.

"Yeah, uh, my father told me the day after my twelfth birthday that there is a chance that he'll die early because of his job and that when or if he did, to stay strong and turn my heartbreak into motivation and strength... The only reason I'm not still balling my eyes out is because he told me not to live off of sorrows, that death isn't a goodbye, it's just a see you soon and to not cry over such a small thing in this world because even though a body is limp and not functioning, doesn't mean that the soul no longer lives on."

They were quiet after my monologue and I broke the deafening silence by saying, "he also said to smile when you're breaking because it will make you feel a little better." I smiled at them and that made them smile back.

"Hey, what do you think's going on right now, with the raptors?" Zach asked.

"Shit!," I whisper yelled.

"Mal!" Gray yelled in the same tone.


We slid open the window to where Claire was sitting and she was holding an iPad looking device with night vision displayed on it. It was four cameras, two from soldiers and two from Raptors.

Currently, they were still searching for the Indominous (learned that thanks to Owen).

"Your boyfriend's a badass," Zach said. I smirked because I saw Claire blush and smile.

Owen was on his motorcycle riding with the raptors. I always told him and his raptors are 'squad goals' and he'd just smile and say 'you and Rexy are best friend goals'.

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