Chapter 11

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Nora's POV

After I walked out of the big house I run to the beach.

"Nora!"I hear.Will.I turn but I don't see Will.I see James.Tears form in my eyes and I run to the beach again.

"Nora come back!"I hear James (I mean Will) say but I just keep running.I can't look at my brother right now I just can't.I stop at the beach and just collapsed.I hit the beach sand and cry a bit.I'm sorry but I just can't.I lost my best friend.I want to be strong but I've been strong for way too long.I can't even look at my brother and not see James!Even tho we weren't brother and sister, James was like one and you can never forget someone like that.

"Nora?"I hear and turn.Rachel.I look at her with my red puffy eyes.

"Oh hey.W-What's up?"I stuttered.She sits down next too me.

"The gods.But how are you?"She asks.

"Not that good."

"I'm so sorry Nora if I just could have done something-"I cut her off.

"It's not you fault at all Rachel.It was no ones fault.But I just keep thinking its mine."I sigh.She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Nora it's not you fault.You can't beat yourself up about it.It was his decision.His fate.We couldn't stop it."She says.She's right.

"Your right."I sniff.
"But I just can't help but miss him."

"And you probably never will.You can never stop missing him.But you can let him go.He'll be better now.I just know it."She says and I nod.

Yea.You have a point.Again."I laugh a bit.She laughs too.

"II've been know to be right."She says.I laugh again.

"Now come on.You have people to say Hi too."She says and gets up.I get up and walk with her too the big house.She opens the door and I face everyone.Nico comes up and hugs me.

"You okay?"He whispered and I nodded.He let go and I see Percy mouth hang open.Annabeth closed it.

"So she's your type?"He asks sassy and Nico face palms.What does he mean 'your type'?

"Anyways ignore seaweed brain.How was your quest Nora?"Annabeth asked.

"It was good.As you can see we found the daughter of Hera and found the spirit of Delphi."I say and then I sigh.

"But I lost one good friend too me.His names was James.He was the son of Athena."I say and look at Annabeth.I know she must feel bad.She lost a brother she never met.

"Looks like you had some competition there Nico."Leo says Calypso slaps him on the arm.He never had competition.

"Sorry for that Nora.I'm so sorry tho.He must have been a great friend."Calypso apologies.

"He was."I sigh.

"But I know he's in a better place now.And I need to be strong."I smile.And it wasn't a fake one this time.

"But we're so glad your back tho.And I guessing the gods didn't kill her?"Piper asks referring to Dianna.

"Yea I convinced the gods not to kill Dianna.Just because of her mother.I mean Zeus has kids too."I say and Jason scratches his head nevously.

"No offense Jason."I say.

"Hera acted nice tho.A real big surprise."Annabeth snickered.Yea I can totally tell Annabeth tried to kill Dianna.

"Trust me.I hate Hera as much as you guys do but Dianna shouldn't be judged because her mom.Judge her by who she is.No who her mom is."I say and Annabeth nods.

Beautiful (A Nico Di Angelo love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن