Chapter One- Hope It Does

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It's been two years since that one day in New York. I quite being a model and went to college in London. I change my last name to my mom's madden name. I didn't want anyone to know who I was.

Sammy doesn't even know about this only my mom. It hurts knowing I still love him. I stop talking to all my friends. They understand that I needed space. My mom wants me to come back home this summer. I don't know if I can.

I meet some people that help me out of that time. I do miss them, but I can't stand the pain. I hope they like this new look I have. It's finally good to see my friends again and my older brother that I miss so much.

" Hey Alice are you looking forward for this summer." Clair ask. " No. I'm going home for the summer." Looking down at the ground. " Aren't you excited to see your family?" Amy ask. " Just a lot of bad memories there." Walking to our dorm. " What part of the USA are you form?" Clair ask. " Curiosity always lead to bad things." Packing my bag.

" come on Clair you have to tell us. What if we want to visit you over summer?" Amy said walking in. " It's just that I don't like people knowing stuff about me you know. I like to be a mysteries. I just keep to myself." Grabbing more clothes. I'm just worried if they ask if I know certain people. " Amy do you here this Alice is afraid of something. I mean it's not like she related to someone famous. " Clair said laughing. I drop my clothes I had in hands looking at her. Wondering if she knew who I was related to. " You are related to a famous person aren't you. Who? That's pretty cool to be related to a famous person. I would kill to be related to one of the magcon boys. " Amy gasp and went on talking about them.

I tune them out and finished packing for my flight tonight. I'm totally do not want to go home and see them. I wanna stay hidden from the world and find myself. It's hard doing that so now I have to show my face to a place that have memories I try to forget. Being in the shadows of the public eye for awhile was fun. I didn't worry about anyone taking pictures of me when I'm out. I have never like them because of that.

~ Now Boarding ~

Just 12 hours in till I'm home and everyone gets to see the new me after being gone for two years. I told mom that I'll go to the house by myself and no one has to know I'm coming home and I'll see you when I get there. I was surprise to see her agree to it, but then again she knew I didn't want to be there and that I'm getting a hotel to be myself and not have anyone to bother me. I try to think what to do on this long plane ride.

~ Skip 11 Hours ~

One hour left in till I'm home. I spent the first three and half hours reading. I spent two hours and a half watching movies on Netflix. The other five I was asleep waiting to wake up and all of this be a dream. Sadly it was all true and I have to see my family even if it kills me. I really hope it does. It's just I never aspect to be home before I was ready to and now I have to. I just want this to be a dream so bad. I'm not ready at all to see them. I try to explain that to mom but then she pulls out the mom card.

~ Airport ~
It feels weird being here after a long time. Maybe I'll visit home only mom and dad will be there and no one else will be there. Sadly mom said she told Sammy I'm going to be home sometime this week for the summer and he made sure to have this time off to see me. It's not that I don't love Sammy. He is amazing older brother. I just don't want to run into his friends again or Jack. I wish I didn't have to do this. I wish I was ready to come home. We all wish for things when we know it won't come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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