more stream writing

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What should I write


Im in the mood for angst ;-;




Time | ??

Prompt- Onity gets Jealous. Basically.


Onity sighed. He laid on his death bed.

Heh, funny how I wanted this for so long, and now Im so terrified.. He thought. It had forever since he last talked, so he didn't bother. He teared up, as his life flashed in front of him, as he felt almost being lifted.

He remembered the little of his childhood he could remember, his mom, his family, he remembered when he got sucked into the portal, when he died the first time.. those loops... tears streamed down his face as his most tragic parts of his life flashed in front of his eyes.


"Tyler, please!"

"Go away, you monster!" Tyler growled.

"Please, hear me out!"

Tyler paused in his footsteps, walking away, and sighed. "Fine."

"thank you, I just wanted to show you that Im good.." He grabbed onto Tylers arm, and then all of a sudden, they were teleported back in time.

Right to a point where Kyle and Tyler were kissing. Onitys eyes widened. ..he had a lover..

Tyler blushed then turned. "What the fuck does this prove?"

"I-I.. I didn't mean to do this."

"Riggghhhht." Tyler said, and tapped his foot. "Teleport me back."

"Yo-you're gay?" He said weakly, smiling.

"No." Tyler said, deep blush stuck on his face. "Take. Me. Back." He said, and Onity snapped his fingers, and Tyler was back at a house (decided this is set after enderoni lmao)

Onitys eyes narrowed at the two.

Onity growled, and launched himself at them, and landed on top of Kyle, turning into the Oni. Kyle let out a shriek, and Onity struck his chest with his claws, then dug his claw into his chest, striking his heart. Onity didn't stop there, even though he was dead already. He reached his claws into his stomach, and pulled out his organs out- then picked his organless body with blood pouring out, by the head swung him like a rag doll, and his head eventually separated with his body, and blood sprayed everywhere. He dropped his remains in front of Tyler, who was curled up against the wall.

The Oni picked up the head of Kyle, and dropped it and Tyler jolted at the thump of his lovers decapitated head.

It smirked, and smashed the head, satisfied at the crunch of the skull. Tyler shrieked, feeling blood flying everywhere onto his body.

No one loves Tyler except me.

"D-don't hurt me please.." He heard from near him, and saw Tyler, trembling. It tapped Tylers head lightly, and Tyler whimpered, but that didn't register to Onity, so Onity walked off, and teleported back.

"..." he heard utter silence. He turned around, and his eyes widened.

"T-Tyler?" He said, as he turned back human.

He saw him, with a gun to his head- he probably went forward a little bit, too.

Tears were in his eyes. "Y-you killed him. I still cant believe you killed him. I cant.. Even that I survived this long.. I cant live without him.. And just remember, you sack of shit-"

Tyler leaned forward. "I will ALWAYS hate you." Then a gunshot rang out. Onity shut his eyes, but then opened them to see, a gun shot bullet through Tylers skull, and he choked on his tears.



Onity wouldn't speak after that. He wouldn't let himself. Eventually, he went back to the mansion, and locked himself in there. He literally did nothing after that.

He waited for death.

But now look where he was at. At his death bed, not wanting to die.

But he accepted it.

And he felt himself being lifted, and it all going dark.

-fin bc im too lazy-


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