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Chapter 1:

All week the guys have been planning on breaking into an abandoned scare house. The house itself is suppose to be haunted, which is the worst part. It was a dark, crisp Friday night and a perfect time to do something this idiotic.

I personally didn't like the idea since everything sounded like something out of a horror film. But unfortunately, a thing called peer pressure got the best of me. I didn't wanna be the whiny girl who chickened out. Still, I felt uneasy about going, even though I would be with my closest friends.

Jake was the one who came up with this stupid idea. He wasn't an Einstein, but he was a jock and his looks made up for it. He had sparkling blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and a perfect smile.

"Surprised your coming nerd" as Jake playfully teased Mark, which he had a habit of doing. "I'm not a nerd" Mark whined back. Mark's face started to turn red. Jake couldn't help but laugh. It was always funny watching them two go at it.

Mark was very brainy, hence why people call him a nerd. He's #1 in anything that involves paper and pencil. He wore glasses that were slightly too big so he always had to adjust them, which was annoying. He's basically the opposite of Jake in a way.

"Leave the poor kid alone" Kate said while smiling hysterically. "Oh I'm just messing with my best bud" Jake laughed. Mark shot him an odd look, but awkwardly smiled almost immediately. Those two were kinda like best friends weirdly. Jake then started flirting with Kate, completely ignoring the rest of us.

Kate was perfect with flawless features. Her beautiful swaying brown hair complimented her hazel eyes. She was what all the boys wanted. I was very jealous of her, and even more jealous of her and Jake's perfect relationship.

Sam and Violet started complaining on when we were leaving. "We've been here forever guys" Violet said angrily. "Yeah, where the hell are Kyle and Ben" Sam cosigned. We've been waiting at Jake's house since 8 o'clock and it was almost 9. "Someone call them" I said as I played with my hair. "They'll be here, don't worry" Jake said calmly. "Well they're good at keeping people waiting" I snapped. I sucked it up, but both Sam and Violet continued to complain.

Those girls were an odd pair; they were like sisters. They used each others make up, brushes, and even borrowed each others clothes. It's so cute that its creepy to a point. Both of them were your average blonds, but who I am to judge. In their case, they have way too much in common.

There was a knock at the door and Jake went to answer it. Behind the door were no other than Kyle and Ben. "You're late" Jake said sternly. "Woah there, just relax. Were here aren't we" said Kyle. Ben looked spooked, like he was guilty of something. "We were finishing up our band practice" Ben confessed. Jake looked uninterested and walked past the twins to the van.

Kyle and Ben were twin brothers and unconditionally did everything together. They played in a band together that was actually pretty good. They both had green eyes and shaggy blonde hair. The only way to tell the difference between the two is to look for Ben who had braces.

We wasted no time getting in the twins van. The van wasn't very pleasant. It was one of the vans that had no seats in the back so you had to hold onto something, which was impossible. We all bunched up in the back, as the twins took the front seats. One of the twins played the drums, and left their set that nearly took up most of the space.

"Where's the house Jake?" Ben questioned. "Its near the woods on the far side of town" said with half his attention on Ben. Jake once again, was flirting with Kate. Once around those two, you kinda get used to it. We pulled off and headed to the edge of town.

It was only a matter of time.


I will update you guys as soon as possible on every chapter. I'm aiming for 20+ chapters in this work. Comment some ideas or what you would like to see from the characters. And don't forget to vote and share!!!

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