He groaned at the memory of his former girlfriend and shook his head, determined to focus on his work.

A few minutes until closing time, and the bell signaling someone walked in rang. Ashtons head shot up, as he groaned silently. He just wanted to close up the shop and go home.

"Oh hey," Ashton said realizing it was Calum who walked in.

"I was just heading over to a party a few blocks over, did you want to come since you're about to close?" Calum asked nodding towards the door.

Ashton shook his head, "I'll pass tonight."

"You're not skipping out because of the whole Reagan thing last night are you?" Calum asked.

"You can't be sad and mope around in your room forever. She can't be mad forever either, have some fun!" Calum pointed out.

"I just want to go home, I had planned on taking a jog," Ashton said almost truthfully. He didn't actually plan on working out, but the idea didn't seem so bad after he said it.

"Suit yourself, but you have to come out with us soon okay?" Calum said slowly walking backwards towards the door. Ashton agreed before locking up the shop and heading home.

To Ashton's surprise, he did just what he planned when he got home. He restrained from the want to crawl into bed after work, he actually went down to his basement where he had some workout equipment. He made his way onto the treadmill and blasted his music so he couldn't hear anything around him. He ran and tried to focus on his feet moving rather than the girl taking over his mind.


"Hey," Reagan smiled as she met Liam at the airport.

"Hey," he smiled back as he placed his bags down and gave his sister a quick hug.

"Are you hungry? Want to get dinner?" Reagan asked a few minutes later when they were approaching her car in the parking lot after Liam told her about his flight down.

"Yeah I'm starving," Liam said as he put his bags into Reagan's trunk before getting in.

The two ended up driving to the grocery store, that way Reagan could buy a bunch of food Liam liked to eat while he was in LA, and they picked up something to cook for dinner. Liam was tired from his flight, and honestly Reagan felt like staying in tonight anyways.

Reagan grabbed the last of the grocery bags from the car before lifting up her foot to kick the car door shut. She made her way up the stairs, dropping the bags in front of her apartment door so she could get her keys from her pocket.

Once all the bags were brought into the kitchen, she started to put things away while Liam settled in. She put all the groceries in the right cupboards and their places in the refrigerator before starting dinner.

As she was putting water in a pot for some pasta, she heard her phone ring in the other room.

"Hey Reagan," Liam called from the couch.

"Who is it?" she called as she turned on the stove top.

"Ashton," Liam said making Reagan freeze for just a second.

She made her way over the living room and took her phone out of his hand before hitting the ignore button.

"You could have taken that you know. Invite him to come over, I don't mind. You don't have to treat me as a guest, i'm your brother," Liam smiled not wanting to interrupt Reagan's normal life.

He didn't want her to think that she had to put all of her attention on him. He just wanted Reagan to go about her daily life, he just missed his sister and wanted to see the beauty of LA.

"No it's okay," she said smiling softly and tossing her phone on the empty space on the couch.

"You should invite him over for dinner sometime, he was cool," Liam said grabbing the remote and flipping through tv channels.

"I don't think that'll happen," Reagan said making her way back into the kitchen, wanting to forget this conversation was happening.

"Are you guys okay?" Liam asked sitting up.

"Things just didn't work with us that's all," Reagan said, "So what type of dressing do you want on your salad?"

Reagan finished making dinner. Liam told her all the things happened back at home (which was nothing important) and he also kept her updated on how law school was going. Reagan told him about her life here, but there wasn't that much to it. All she ever did really was work, hang out with Sam, and maybe go to the beach here and there, but that was it. Liam assured her just living in LA was exciting enough, even if she didn't do much.

The night flew by, and it was already 10:30 and they were both starting to fall asleep while trying to watch movies on the couch. Reagan said goodnight to Liam and made sure he was comfortable and settled in before heading back to her room.

She showered quickly before crawling into bed and grabbing her phone off of her bedside table. She had a missed call from Ashton and two texts which she immediately deleted without even opening. She shook her head, she couldn't let herself be sad, Liam was here and she didn't need to spend her time moping about Ashton.

She didn't want to think about him. She just wanted to enjoy her brothers company and not have to be upset over what happened between them.

But she couldn't help but deny that when she got into bed, she wished he was next to her.


I am typing this in my dorm room... living without my parents.... weird

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