Hidden Reality - Part 2

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My eyes slowly opened to the sunrise. I reached a shaky hand up to shade my eyes. I blinked a few times. I was startled by the appearance of my hand: a mangled cluster of flesh and blood, and the only remaining skin was red and bruised. I shrieked at the sight, and sat up. The energy it took to do it was too much, so I slid back into the ground. If I died here, no one would miss me. I would be with Mother - the only person in this world who ever loved me. But she was gone.
I gasp. Mother! She should be looking for me! I could almost taste the fresh pancakes made especially for me. But I can't get up. Hmm... I'll call my friends to come help me.
A feeling of sorrow so deep filled me that it made me shudder. I missed Mother terribly. I tried to move my legs. Nothing. Next, I tried my arms. Painful, but possible. I tilted my head to see something that I wished I'd seen ages ago. A puddle lay next to my head. It must have rained! Luckily, it was on stone, so the water was clean and mud-free. Gathering all my strength, I cupped my hands into the cold, refreshing water. The water immediately turned red with blood, but I didn't care. I was too thirsty to notice the disgusting, salty taste. As soon as I'd gotten my fill, I felt much better. I used my arms to pull my legs into a steady position, and balanced myself into a crawling stance. Soon enough, my legs collapsed and so did I. I needed to observe my injuries, so I did. A long, raw gash ran down my arm, which was also badly bruised. On my other arm was the mangled hand. It was also covered in cuts and spit. I almost vomited at the sight, but none came, for there was no vomit to release. Thinking of this, I decide I need to find food. I dug my fingernails into the damp grass and pulled. I continued this until I reached the highway. Cars flew past, none stopping to help. I waited until the traffic died down, and began to cross. My wounds hurt twice as much on the paved road. Then I heard something. Something... Approaching. It's roar grew closer and closer and I realized what it was.
As I crossed the multicolored street, I noticed something approaching. A glowing, beautiful carriage drew closer. I supposed it was Mother, coming to take me home, so I smiled and waited.
I screamed.
I called out her name.
The car was right in front of me.
The horses that pulled the magical vehicle stomped their hooves and whinnied as they looked at me.
The car stopped.
Mother stepped out of the carriage and swept me up in her arms.
A middle aged woman flew the car door open and ran to my aid. Tears poured down her face as she carefully lifted me into her arms. She then carried me to the backseat of the car and made sure I was comfortable.
"Thank... You..." was all I managed to say.
She hushed me and closed the door. The woman then hopped into the front seat and began to drive.


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