Chapter 12- Beginner's Luck

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't matter if what she said is true or not. What matters is that everyone is safe.," I say, my tone low but strong. She gives me a reassuring smile and a nod, walking away a few seconds after.  I return the favor with a smile before she leaves, but as soon as she is gone, I head back to the prison.

As I enter the gate Carl opens for me, I direct myself towards the stairs. I head for my mattress, plopping my body down once I reach it. I'm done training for the day. I've one of the best shots anyway. Daryl's mattress is empty, so I assume he's still training people, or out getting supplies. We are running a little low, so I'm guessing Rick must've sent a group of people to go out. I guess I wasn't an option. Although getting out seems to be a good idea at the time, I can now be alone for a while.

What are we really going to do when the Governor comes? He's not going to give up without a fight, so I begin to wonder if we are even prepared. Will everyone stand a chance against his army, or are they going to forget their training and get killed? I sigh, imagining all the bloodshed that could happen. Everyone except for Oliver doesn't deserve to die; they are all good people.

"I see something!," Ryan and George scream as they burst through the door which leads to the watch area. I burst my eyes open, grab my knife pistol I took with me, and follow them down the stairs. I stop in the clearing of the room, watching as they begin yelling at everyone to get inside. I watch in horror as men, women, teens, and several children charge into the room. They all head to their cells, waiting for direction.

"Everyone stay calm!," Rick says, holding a hand up. "Glenn, bring the ones who can fight deep into the prison. They want us, they gonna have to come get us.," Rick continues, giving out directions.

"Carol, bring everyone else too, but keep them somewhere safe and hidden deep in the prison as well. Daryl, go with Glenn and help situate everyone who can fight so they can stop anyone from harming the group. Maggie, Penny, and Michael, come with me. Everyone go.," he finishes, telling everyone where to go. I follow Glenn and Daryl, along with a good amount of people, and then there's Oliver.

"What are you doing? That was a lucky shot!," I say as we all head for the dark hallways of the prison. This is no time to be playing my knight in shinning armor. She's going to get herself killed!

"I can defend myself.," she spits back, walking faster to catch up with Daryl who's at the head of the group.

"You better not end up dragging Daryl down with you, Oliver.," I mumble to myself, watching her long hair flick from side to side as she walks ahead.

"Go 'n here!," Daryl tells Ryan, George, and a few others to enter a room, aiming his flashlight at a door. They nod, clearing out the few walkers as they hide in the room. He tells others to do the same, but in a different room. I watch as Oliver stands behind Daryl, refusing to listen to him to go with the people he assigned her to. It remains unnoticed as he continues to send people into rooms.

"That little-," I cut myself off as I head with Daryl, Austin, and Oliver into another room. Daryl kicks down the locked door, shooting a walker in the head with his crossbow. He takes out the arrow, manually stabbing another which follows the first one in the eyes. In a few seconds, he clears out three walkers. I watch, amazed, as I enter the room.

"A'ight, we wait here 'til they come. We'll use the dark as an advantage of surprise.," Daryl says, looking with a serious face at the three of us as he gives out instructions. I look over at Austin, who nods at Daryl, ready to fight for the prison. On the other hand, I look over at the completely unfocused Oliver who seems to be under some spell by Daryl.

"Pay attention!," I whisper loudly at Oliver, snapping her out of her daze. She blinks, nodding. At least she didn't give me another witty remark.

"Shh, listen.," Austin interrupts, looking out the window of the room we're in. It's pitch black, so he must be searching for some source of light or sound. I begin to hear footsteps slowly head down the hallway. I lean my ear in, attempting to listen to the muffled voices.

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