The koala capturer

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A long time ago a baby with ears floated down the river. An ender man picked the baby up than took her to the Ghast queen.

Sky's POV

I was walking down the trail of stone looking for deadlox and truemu. My daughter at home. I see a girl about her age. She teleported behind me than all went black.

Lilia(sky daughter)s POV

My dad has been gone for over a month now I am worried. Bajan knocks on my door "Lilia come with me" he says in a panicked voice. Than a girl with koala ears puts her hand over his mouth and takes my arm and teleports away. I wake up in the nether. "How many more officers kacey?" Asks the Ghast queen "a few more to go your highness" says kacey sadly.

I see dad,he sees me. He looks to be trying to get out of he chains. Kacey picks him up than puts him next to me."why did you do that kacey?" Shrieks the Ghast queen. "He has not seen her in a month it's only fair" replys kacey cooly. Bajan looks at deadlox, deadlox is hurt badly.

Kaceys POV

Grr the queen she can be a pain. I hate my job but I get respect for it. I'm waiting until the sky army comes to overthrow the queen. "Hey sir sky" I poke him in the ribs. "Yeah?" He replys. "Take this key use it when the time is right". He looks astounded and nods his head. I take lilian to my room. She is still asleep. "Tonight" I think "is the night the queen is no more"


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