the devil needed a ride 5

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It's been a week since Luke did that thing to me and we are the same as always. I have got my appetite back and feeling better than I have in a long time. Like I had enough energy to play for hours on end and never be tired again.

Luke has stuck to me like always and it seems like I can't let him go. I also noticed he has gotten bigger, not like fatter but older. It was really weird, I commented on it he only purred cuddling to me. Some of my hair has grown back but not a lot. I just don't look like a monk anymore. I was told I looked cute with short hair

We were headed to a country party and Luke didn't say home. I was dress like a cow girl and Mary was the same. I could help but laugh when we were passing guys and she kissed my cheek making the guys groan.

Luke stayed on my shoulder as we danced around laughing. I got thirsty and looked for something non alcoholic.

I sighed seeing nothing there for me. I heard a laughter that I knew fairly well. I looker up and saw Mary following a dude deeper into the woods.

I ran after them with Luke clutching me tight, "Mary!!!" I yelled after her.

They seemed to get deeper and deeper as I ran faster. Finally I got to her but she was laying limp against a tree. I grabbed her shaking her, "Mary get up!" She just laid there unresponsive to me.

Luke jumped of me to the ground growling. There was a chuckle, "I see you haven't gained your human form back." A familiar voice mused.

I looked up and saw similar blond hair and green eyes but the face and body was different. He was so handsome but I knew it was the man before. He also reminded me of an angel.

"Are you an Angel?" I asked standing up.

He smirked and bent over slightly. There was a ripping sound and two big white wings sprung out at full length, "yes, yes I am." ok… don't freak out… just an angel with wings…

Luke hissed a warning but didn't move. I was curious, "what do you mean true form?" I asked glancing to the hissing Luke.

The Angel smirked, "well my dear, that is the all mighty devil that is protecting you, except his powers were weaken and he has to take form of an animal to sustain his life he would have died if you didn't pull him out of that fire."

It confused me more, "but... I have seen him on fire how was that one any different?" I asked taking a step towards him. Luke hissed jumping in front of me like a warning for me to stay back.

"The god himself stripped him of his power, but if he can go on fire that means he had to find a soul to feed off of." he mused coming closer.

I was confused, "a soul?" I muttered in shock.

I scratched my head and I heard a clink sound, "I must kill you in order to completely kill him." I looked up and saw he had a knife like thing in his hand.

Luke hissed jumping into my arms. I looked down at him then to the angel, "what do you mean?" I felt so confused and sort of betrayed that Luke didn't tell me.

The angel laughed, "You know the bite mark on your neck? That is pretty much a bond between you and him. Every time you have a feeling of love he gets stronger, hate he gets weaker."

I think that made sense... over the week I had loved him living with me and letting me do stuff like bathe and paint his nails.

"So if I kill you he dies." The angel snarled flying at me.

I tossed Luke to the side and cried out in pain when the knife went through my gut and came out the back side. I fell forward spitting out blood all over his shirt and wings. There was a loud meow as the knife was pulled from me making me fall back.

I gagged on the blood in my throat before I turned my head coughing it up. Luke ran to me meowing in a panic; he licked my cheek and I had to smile slightly. He was trying to calm me down, even though he was the one in danger.

"Your turn you disgusting scum!" he went to stab a hissing Luke but I couldn't let it happen.

My hand shot out grabbing the blade with my hand and pulled Luke to my chest. I whimpered softly as my hand bled but I didn't let go. I saved Luke from that fire; there had to be a reason why I did.

I felt possession rush throughout my body, "he is mine." I said but it sounded like a growl. I felt a tug in my mouth and licked across my teeth, they were sharp. I turned my head glaring at the Angel, "and you will not hurt him!" I hissed out. I felt my eyes burn with anger.

In his eyes I saw my eyes had gone red looking like Luke. I felt the pain in my stomach go away. I sat up setting Luke down; a growl escaped my mouth as I stood up holding the knife tighter.

The knife shattered under my grip and the Angel gasped jumping back, “You didn't bond with her, you gave your powers to her!" he sounded astonished.

I snarled crouching and he looked horrified then lifted his hand whistling loudly. I didn't know why he did that but suddenly two men fell and I saw they were angels as well.

Luke hissed jumping in front of me. He wanted me to run but I couldn't I felt so angry! The angels were surprised when I growled at them.

"Kill her." the blond one ordered glaring at me with murderous intent.

They looked at each other before jumping at me. I didn't think about it as I turned kicking one into the other. I saw the other one was going after Luke. I went to run to him but screamed out when two hands tore through my stomach.

I looked down then growled in pain and anger. I stretched my hands back and smashed my hands into their skulls. They screamed before their heads exploded.

I turn ripping their arms out of me and ran to the battle. I dived over Luke grabbing him before the Angel could grab him.

I clutched him to my chest panting. He meowed as he was covered in my blood. I set him behind me, "stop... getting... in the way." I panted out, "or you'll die." I cupped my stomach that was gushing blood.

I couldn't let him die... I would hurt more than I am right now... I don't think I can live without him... I think I might love this cat that I know nothing about and who might be the devil.

"You can't die." I told him softly.

I looked up at the Angel forcing myself to stand. I collapsed to my knees and fell back. There was a burst of flames behind me and I felt power radiating from behind me.

"You can turn back? But how?" the Angel asked astonished.

I turned my head and there stood a naked man. He was in the spot that Luke was in and I saw they shared the same eyes and hair.

He looked down at me and knelt down. If all my blood wasn't rushing out my stomach I would have blushed. He cupped my cheek then gave a smirk; "you are so stupid." he chuckled then stood up.

He stepped over me to the Angel. The Angel stumbled back terrified; before he could move Luke lunged forward slicing his hand through his chest. He coughed up blood and Luke grabbed his throat ripping his head off.

The body went to the ground and Luke turned to me. I looked up weakly at him. He knelt down cupping my head; he bit into his wrist before lowering his head down to mine and his lips pressed to mine.

I felt his blood flow into my throat. I didn't have the energy to gag or do anything but swallowed. He let his lips linger on mine before he pulled away.

"Sleep, love, in the morning you may ask me anything you desire." he told me as he pulled me into his arms.

"Mary?" I whispered out hoarsely.

He smiled holding me like a child; "she is safe, you did well." he praised and picked her up setting her on his shoulder.

"Sleep now." he cooed making my eyes slid shut as I relaxed against him.

the devil needed a ride (completed) (revising and editing) Where stories live. Discover now