Chapter 23 - You Never Stop Worrying When It Comes To Colton Andrews

Start from the beginning

"When I said I'm crazy... for you, I wasn't... I wasn't lying."


My mind is blank, it feels as though my soul is blank and my mouth is dry. To utter a simple 'no' from my lips seems so easy, but it's ten times harder to say that one syllabus.

"Oh?" Drake says, disbelief written on his face. "That's all you can to say?"

What else am I supposed to say? I cry out in my head, but before I can get any words out, I'm cut off by the loud noise coming from my phone.

Clicking my tongue in impatience, my eyebrows scrunched together, I spare a glance at the screen before hastily swiping my finger on the red circle, cutting the call: it's my Mom.

But I regret it the moment the screen becomes black: I'll have to talk to Drake now.

"I..." I begin, and it feels as though my throat is pushing down the words forming in my brain. "I don't know what to..."

Drake gives my a wry smile. "You don't have to explain-"

But even he is interrupted by my phone ringing. Silencing it and switching it off, I look back at Drake who's taking all the efforts in the world to not look at me.

Oh, why is this so complicated? I hate feelings sometimes.

"Maybe we should head home," Drake says quietly, leading the way. The walk to his car feels like the longest one I've ever taken in my life, but I manage to hold myself together the entire time.

Throughout the ride, Drake keeps running one of his hands through his hair, covering his lips with it and then resting it against the glass pane of the car. He's so fidgety, he makes me nervous.

"This is you." Drake's voice shakes slightly and he still refuses to make eye contact; who can blame him, though? If it would've been me, I would've felt highly awkward and bashful, too.

Wordlessly, I get out of the car, rejecting Drake's gesture of coming out of the car to open the door for me.

I'm such a horrible, horrible person.

Drake's fallen face haunts my brain for a long time; at least until I enter the house and am hit by a strong wave of gloom and a solemn atmosphere.

Did someone die?

"Where were you?" Mom marches out of the kitchen immediately, worry etched on her forehead, but there's a strong hint of anger in her tone. "I called you so many times, so did Cam. You have a phone to accept and make calls, so that we can reach you."

"I know," I answer listlessly.

"Well?" Mom places her hands on her hips before reiterating, "Where were you?"

"Out with Drake." My tone has neither anger in it, nor irritation - it's blank and emotionless, but it still brings a scowl on Mom's face.

I haven't seen her in so many days and I miss her so much, I just want to jump in her arms and request her to sing me to sleep like she did for Bethany and Cam.

Dad did sing for me sometimes, but it had never been a regular thing in my case, the reason is quite obvious.

"Why were you calling me?" I ask Mom, not moving an inch from where I have been standing since I entered the house.

"Colton..." Mom pauses to clear her throat, and my stomach drops the minute I hear her next words. "He-He met with a small accident in his room-"

"Accident?" I echo. My voice comes out shrill and high pitched, worry and fear clouding every emotion. "Is he in the hospital?!"

"No no," Mom says taking a step forward and resting her hand on my shoulder blades, but I shrug her off. "He's in the guest room; probably resting."

"Oh, okay."

I want to meet him right now.

"Do you know what happened to him?"

"He was in his room and I don't know what happened exactly, but he fainted and his head hit the dresser."

"He hurt his head?!" I gasp out very loudly, my jaw dropping to the floor in fear.

"Yes, honey-"

"Don't call me that," I say sharply and she flinches, but I don't care much about that.

"Sorry, he, uh, yeah. It's been bandaged by the doctor and he said that Colton needs to rest a lot," Mom explains, and her tone drops down suddenly, making me curious. "Do you think it's because of his insomnia that he fainted?"

My eyes harden and I close them shut, trying not to freak out.

I'm gonna kill Colton for taking excess pills: as if they haven't done enough damage already.

"No, of course not."

This is not the time or place to lie.

"Actually, Mom, yes," I correct myself, "it's because of Colton's insomnia, and please stop worrying, because you never stop worrying when it comes to Colton Andrews."


so in the last chapter, i asked what you'd like me to do for you :] most of you want a character Q and A (an interview of the characters), and a chapter in a different person's POV. so it's kind of a tie. given these two choices, which one will you choose? please comment down below, or else i'll keep tossing between the options and we'll never come to a conclusion :P


Hi guys!

Maybe this chapter wasn't what you expected...

I know this wasn't my best chapter [ :/ ] neither were the last couple, but the most annoying thing is that when I'm inspired by something to write me my heart out, it's not the correct time and place, and when I DO find time, I don't have any inspiration >_< It's way too irritating!

So... how did you find the chapter? Boring? Good? Okay? Can be improvised?

Any tips for me which will help me improve my writing? Any tips which will inspire me to produce something which will actually give you some feels? XD

I think the chaps are turning serious, are they not? Or is it just me?

Teaser: I don't have much in mind, except an argument between Colton and Ella.

Colty's gonna leave the house soon :(

Goals: 43 votes


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