"Harper should have never touched you." He bit out and I shrunk back into the seat and just kept my mouth shut. "Wolves give off this calming touch when they are around what makes a pack strong... since you aren't part of his pack he realized that you were rogue... therefore wolf. But you smell completely of witch." He told me as we got on a highway and started passing a lot of trees.

"How big is a normal pack?" I asked just to keep the conversation going.

"The one I was from was about 800 wolves. Dean's is about 450 and growing. The one we are going to is very small about 200 wolves." He told me and I nodded and tried to think about how 200 was considered small.

"When you shift... does it hurt?" I asked facing him a bit in my seat. He shook his head and I took a small breath. "Not even when it was your first time?" I asked him and he sighed.

"No, have you ever shifted?" He asked and I shook my head when he peeked over at me.

"When do you shift? At a certain age? Or when something triggers it?" I asked and he gave me a look so I clamped my mouth shut.

"You'll learn all about it on our date. We are just picking up the books and then going to a private dinner." He told me and put on his left turn signal and I saw a dirt road and gulped.

"What does it mean to be your mate?" I asked him almost silently as he turned into the road just wanting to remind him of the terms he used towards me two days ago.

"It means that I could never hurt you or let anyone else have you. That no matter what I will belong to you only, and the same for you. That I will give you anything to make you happy just because I want to see you happy. That one day we'll have kids, or decide that we don't want kids... I don't mind either way." He said quickly when he saw my eyes widen at the brashness of his explanation. "That maybe you will want to have a human wedding, and see your sisters every chance you get. That we will have mental bond to talk through even when I am on jobs."

"What do you actually do on your jobs?"

"Protection mostly. Either that or interrogations or retrieving certain people."

"And how did you get caught blowing up a house?" I asked and he laughed before clearing his throat.

"We were actually working with a witch and someone knocked her hand when she was getting ready to throw a fire ball or whatever. Once everything was done and cleaned up I took responsibility of the explosion." He said tersely so I dropped the subject and just waited until a huge house came into sight to even look back over at him. "This is the main pack house. The Alpha family and all teens live here until they go off to college." He told me and I just looked back to the house and tried to think about how many teens that includes with 200 wolves in this pack.

"Mark Jacobs, nice to see you again." A man and woman were waiting for us and basically bowed to Mark.

"As always it is nice to see you Dylan. Hope you and your mate are well. Did you get a chance to get everything done?" He sounded so formal, almost like a rich man rather than a enforcer or whatever he called it.

"Yes I did sir. The books are already there... you know how to get there right?" Dylan asked politely but I saw something flash across Marks face. "Apologies, please enjoy yourselves." He backed away and bowed and I kept my eyes on Mark as we drove off and I knew he felt it because he seemed to try and ignore me as best as he could.

"Hope you don't mind burgers." He said opening his door when we finally stopped a couple miles away from the huge house.

"As long as there are condiments I don't mind." I told him getting out myself despite him already walking around to get my door.

Protector (The Ames Sisters Book 1)[complete]Where stories live. Discover now