Masters of the Mafia. Capitulo Uno (Suit & Tie)

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"Don't fall asleep! It's not even ten yet!"

    I snapped my eyes open to glare at my best friend Sofia, she handed me a cup of apple juice and in her other hand was a bottle of red wine. My other friends Claire and Vanessa raised their glasses up to get them filled up with wine. Another round of tasty red wine that I couldn't drink.

"Give me a break. I can't drink, I'm always tired, my back is killing me and I look like a whale!" I grumbled rubbing my round belly. I only have two more weeks to go but they seem so far away.

Claire chuckled, shaking her head at me. "You look beautiful, Gabby. I can't wait to carry your baby girl."

"It's a boy." Nessa corrected her for the hundredth time.

There was no way for me to correct either of them because I didn't know the sex of my baby. Santi and I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Why couldn't you wait two more weeks to get married, Sofi? Now I have to go to your wedding with a big belly."

My best friend Sofia was getting married tomorrow with her boyfriend Daniel. We were currently having a mini bachelorette party between the four of us. We couldn't exactly invite all of our friends from back home, given that she was getting married to a wanted drug trafficker...well, we're all dating criminals.

We had the mansion to ourselves while our boyfriends were out celebrating Daniel's last few hours as a single-man, our families were staying in the Bustamante hacienda where the ceremony would be taking place. Mr. and Mrs. Lazcano, the girls parents had come down from Chicago to accompany their youngest daughter on her special day.

"I'm sorry Gabby, but when mom and dad found out about Daniel I promised I would get married as soon as possible. I'm just glad dad isn't throwing one of his tantrums and decided to come to my wedding."

Mr.Lazcano was a very strict religious man. A few months ago when we went back to Chicago to clear up the misunderstanding about our kidnapping, Vanessa and Sofia had told their parents about their relationships with Leo and Daniel. Mr. Lazcano was furious, but my friends had confessed their father had only accepted the guys because he was scared of the Bustamante family. After being introduced to Leo and Daniel, Mr. Lazcano's only demand was that they should get married soon. He tried to force Leo and Vanessa into marriage too but Vanessa wouldn't have it, she let him know she wouldn't be getting married till' they were both ready.

"I'm sorry for being so bipolar these past few days." I apologized to my friend. "You know I'm happy for you and Daniel, I just can't control my emotions because of this pregnancy."

"I understand." Sofi smiled at me. "You should be apologizing to Santiago. He's the one who's had to deal with you these nine months!"

Nessa laughed. "Poor Santiago has to be with you twenty-four-seven. He's the real MVP."

I rolled my eyes. "If I have to suffer through this pregnancy he's going to suffer too."

Santi really had stepped up to take care of me during this time. I complained, he listened. I needed a foot massage, he did it. I had a weird craving in the middle of the night, he did everything in his power to get it for me. Even when he stayed out late or when he came home from business trips he never once complained about being tired.

"What's been your weird craving these past few weeks?" Claire took a sip from her drink.

I bit my lip before letting out a small laugh. "I've been wanting to have a lot of sex."

They burst out into a fit of giggles and laughter.

"No wonder he's been in such a good mood for a while" Nessa wiggled her eyebrows. "Maybe you can get some tips from Gabby so you can use on your honeymoon." she said to her sister.

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