"You don't know what we are do you?" He asked softly and I looked back at him and sighed.

"No, nor will I pretend to care. Apparently you know what I am and that makes you hate me or whatever and I don't like bigots. No matter who they are." I told him and he took a large step and stuck to my side.

"You're not just a witch are you?" He asked looking down at me and I blinked at him. "You're also a werewolf, which of your parents was the witch?"

"Neither. They were both full werewolf and mated by the time they had me... but me and my two sisters were born witches." I told him not knowing why I blurted things out to him and not to that other guy who basically called me on it already.

"What do you mean you were born a witch... to two werewolves." He said more than asked and I huffed.

"If you are about to rattle off the stupid myth please just don't."

"What myth?" He asked in a hard tone and I looked up at him.

"Don't worry about it, it's stupid anyways... what do you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you keep tracking me down... if you want to thank me for yesterday there is no need." I told him finding the right chocolate and finally turning to him fully crossing my arms.

"When I said we earlier, I wasn't talking about me as a werewolf." He said and I blinked. "Your parents were true mates?" He asked and I shrugged. My parents just said that they knew they were it for each other with one look, and never parted after one touch. "Every wolf had a true mate." He said slowly and I waited. "You are mine." He said even slower and I just kept eye contact with him and blinked every now and then.

"No, no, nope, not possible... did that witch send you?" I asked advancing on him and poking his chest.

"What witch?" He asked taking hold of my hand sending the shivers through the touch and making me want to touch more, but I pulled away. "Ms. Ames- what is your first name?"

"Devin." I knew I couldn't deny him my name... because my ears wanted to hear it fall from his lips.

"Devin." He whispered and gave me a small smile before reaching back down and grabbing my hand. "You are my mate, and your shudder every time I touch you is proof of that. I knew when I looked into your eyes yesterday and I thought you did too." He told me and interlocked out fingers and I gulped.

"How can you be so sure? You were just disgusted with me at the bar." I whispered leaning back when his face got closer.

"You confuse disgust with confusion." He told me and wrapped one arm around my waist and ran his hand up and down my back.

"Still doesn't explain how you can be so sure." I told him with a small voice as his face got closer and closer.

"Because my inner wolf wants to whisk you away and claim you ask mine right now." He told me and I went wide eyed. "He won't hurt you Devin he-" He stopped talking and looked down as my phone started ringing.

"It's probably just my sister." I mumbled pulling my hand from him and fishing it out before hitting answer. "What's up Ivory?" I asked and turned my shoulder to Mark's looming body and felt like I could barely breath as he kept so close.

"Are you still at the store?" She asked right away and I huffed.

"Yes, what do you want me to get?" I asked and she gave a nervous laugh.

"Chips, ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles, frosting-"

"Ivory that is too much sugar. What do you want to do with all of that?" I asked and laughed lightly just trying to imagine her eating it all.

Protector (The Ames Sisters Book 1)[complete]Where stories live. Discover now