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August 16, 2015 (Two days before the first day school)

       "Sam! Hey Sammy! You awake?!" whispered my best friend Lyra as she hesitantly shook me awake.

       Groggily coming out of the best damn dream I've had in like four years, I say, "Yeah I am, but ya mind not shaking me sooooo hard?"

       Rolling her eyes she pulls the covers off my bed quickly but quietly and looks over what I'm wearing. Black jacket, black skinny jeans, and plain t-shirt, I DID have my hair all nice and ready to go with the outfit but then my dumb ass fell asleep completely ruining the look I had. Oh well live and learn is what... actually I have no clue who says that. Oh well, I've always hated history anyway.

       "We GOT to do something about your hair!" Lyra announces a little loudly but not loud enough to wake my parents. Her bright pink hair newly cut and only coming down to her shoulders to from her her tanned face and blue eyes. She was wearing a skimpy skirt that came to her upper thighs, and a tube top with a little black jacket and high silver heels.

       Sluggishly getting out of bed I tell her, "You know where the gel is." And at that she runs/tiptoes to the hallway bathroom and hurriedly finds the hair gel before returning. God she is hyper as fuck tonight!

       "Ok now sit still," she says in a commanding voice that doesn't fit her personality.

       "Yeah, yeah just hurry it up will ya?" I say playfully irritated.

       After about five minutes of pulling, pushing, hitting (violently), and finally smacking my head hard, Lyra announced, "It's perfect! Let's go now, Nick's waiting in the car common!"

       Nick was her seventeen year old boyfriend who had a drug problem with meth, cocaine, and occasionally heroin. But he treated Lyra right so I never punched him.

       "Whatever," I tell her opening my window and jumping out. Landing perfectly on my feet I move slightly as Lyra lands in a loud "THUD!" behind me.

       Making our way to Nick's beat up black van, Lyra and I slide the door open and hop into the back seats.

       "Finally!" Nick says in his gruff voice, "What were you doing in there, fixing your make-up and powdering your noses?"

       I roll my dark amber gold cat eyes and look into his mocking puppy dog brown ones. His red hair is messy from sleep, sex, or a mixture of both, his pale face looks even more sickly in the pale moonlight highlighting his dark freckles, and he's in his usual blue jeans, red Panic! At The Disco band-tee, and black hooded sweatshirt.

       If he wasn't such a dick I MIGHT actually like him a little. But of course Nick NOT being a dick is almost as impossible as my little sister Shila lying to me. (For those of you who don't know, that's pretty damn impossible.)

       "Just drive! Common I wanna get to this one BAD! I heard there's gonna be a new band! And they're REALLY good! Common baby, please!?" whined Lyra.

       Turning back around and heaving out a deep sigh he replied simply with, "Whatever ya say babe. Jules coming tonight?"

       "Nah! She got stuck with babysitting her little brother all night."

       "Oh well, hold on kitties," Nick said slamming on the gas and driving away from my house.

       In about 30 minutes we were to the rave that Lyra had convinced us to go to. Pulling the door open harshly as soon as Nick had parked the van Lyra stepped out and stretched her arms up into the air. "Party people of the highest quality, here we come!"

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