Chapter 1 ~ OMG

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Hey guys! I'm Lauren and if you are reading this story of mine feel free to share it with your friends! Follow me on Instagram! @VampsWorld :)

" SKY! COME ON THE TRAIN IS GONNA LEAVE US! " I finished tying my hair in a messy bun.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my bags and told the girls that I'll buy them snacks for the train ride (since it will be boring)

We took a cab and put our things in the boot.

I bought 3 caramel frappes from Starbucks and got in the train.

I turned on my phone and played The Vamps OMG they are PERFECT I want to meet them!!!

What if I meet them today?! Pfffft that will never happen! I wish I could marry them! I like Brad!

I realized I was daydreaming until Morene waved her hand in front of my face

" um hello?? Earth to sky?! Are you dreaming about the vamps again? I wanna marry them too ya know?! " Morene said

" ME TOO I WANNA MARRY TRIS! " Aubrey shouted then everybody was looking at her

Morene added " I WANNA MARRY JAMES! "

Then the train stopped

" so Sky who is your cousin were gonna live with again? "

" I dunno Morene! That is like the millionth time you asked me! "

" sorry " Morene said with her mouth pouted

Then I saw this guy waving at me and calling my name! I don't know who he is because he was far away then Morene and Aubrey stopped me and was like staring at that guy!

It took my eyes to adjust before I realized that it was Tris from The Vamps! Could it be?! My cousin is a member of The Vamps?!

The guy came up to me and YES it is Tris from THE VAMPS!

Tristan Evans is my cousin who I will be living with for the rest of my life?! This couldn't be real!

Tris said " Hi! You must be Sky! Sorry about your parents. Act like I'm your big bro cuz you will be living with me forever! "

Aubrey was frozen and when tris introduced himself and saw Aubrey they were staring at each other and I think Tris likes Aubrey!


Tristan took my hand but I was serious in the inside my fangirliness was exploding!

He opened the door for me and the girls and we thanked him

He got in the car and started it and said " So! I'm tris Sky's cousin! You must be Taylor and Aubrey " he said looking at the back mirror

" Are u guys alright living with 3 more of my friends? " he asked

" Yeah! " we all said together

We finally arrived at the house and tris rang the doorbell

It took a long time to open.....

Until a boy with curly hair opened it

I was shocked! It was Brad!

He was staring at me and I was behind Taylor and Lauren

OMGG! Tristan walked in together with Taylor and Aubrey and Brad shaked our hands but Brad hugged me! OMG I CANT BREATH


We girls were frozen

Our favorite band was living with us forever!

I dazed off until Brad said " so I'm Brad! This is tris! this is James! And this is Con! "

" HEY! " They all said in unison

" So this is sky! " Tris says putting his arm around me " then this is Taylor and Aubrey" tris says pointing at them but still staying beside me

" Can you give us some time to settle in? " I whispered in Tristan's ear

" sure " Tristan whispered

" bye guys! See you later! "

Everybody waved and me and the girls went upstairs and Tristan followed us

" Okay! So there are three rooms at the end of the hallway so pick your rooms! " I ran and picked the room with the window

I put my stuff in and closed the door behind me but a hand stopped it and Tristan came in and closed the door

"Sky! Don't you remember me?Trissy? "

I tried to remember him but I couldn't

He put up his arm and he was wearing the bracelet I made him!

" Trissy!!! Omy God I missed you so much! Trissy Bro!

We hugged each other for a long time

He is like a big brother to me since I'm the only child

" Sky! I'm glad you remember me! I missed you so much! "

* flashback *

" Trissy! Look! Look! I made you a bracelet! "

" Awww thank Sky! Love you so much! "

* end of flashback *

Tris pulled away and said " Sky I'll make some tea for you. You should get some rest you look tired "

" thanks Tris " I hugged him one last time and changed into shorts and loose white shirt and fixed my hair and put into a messy bun

I got in my bed and after 5 minutes I fell asleep

I woke up to Morene and Aubrey jumping on my bed

When I sat up and rested my back on the headboard

" Sky wanna have a girls night?! The boys are gone they said they had an interview and they will come back around 6 pm " Morene said quickly

I checked my phone and it was 5:30 they are almost coming home

I saw the tea on my bedside table and there was a note on it

" hey Sky sorry we left without saying goodbye to you but we will be back home around 6 and I have a surprise for you! "

" Awww tris is so sweet! " Aubrey said

" Ya know Aubrey, I think Tris likes you! " I told Aubrey

" You think? "

" YEA " Morene and I shouted at her

Then Tristan shouted from downstairs signaling that he was already here. " SKY COME DOWNSTAIRS I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU! "

I got up my bed and ran downstairs and saw tris holding a small box with a bow on top and he gave it to me and I opened it

Inside was a light blue collar with a name on it, it said Grizzly

Then I heard a dog barking but it was a tiny bark then I looked up and tris wasn't there anymore then someone tapped on the shoulder and I saw tris holding a tiny Pomeranian and it was light brown.

" Before you came here you've always wanted a pup named Grizzly and it should look like a bear so I wanted to buy you one as a welcoming gift! " tris said

" Awwww thank tris! He is so cute! Omg! "

I grabbed Grizzly and I hugged tris!

Everybody was watching us and said " Awwwww technically sibling love! "

---------------------------------------------Hi fellow vampettes! I'm Lauren please forgive me if this story is gonna suck cause it is my first time writing one! Follow me on Instagram! @VampsWorld Also sorry if this is short it is just to start the story 😁

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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