"I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?" I say exasperatingly. Taylor smiles at me but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he takes my suitcase and pulls it behind him and gestures for me to go first through the automatic doors and when I do, that's when I come to a halt. There, sitting parked in front of me, is a sleek, black limousine with the windows tinted. A few people stare at it and admire it hopefully as they walk by and I can't help the color that rises in my cheeks as Taylor appears by my side. My jaws clench as I reluctantly get into the back seats; the seats are leather and shaped like an L and in the middle, is a small black table with tiny tea plates on top and at the front of the car, is a board separating from Taylor and me. Against the board was a mini fridge which held clean wine glasses and champagne glasses. On the side of the fridge was non alcoholic drinks such as orange juice, ribena juice and and Pepsi's and Cokes.

"By the way, all drinks are on him." Taylor informs and I nod.

I'm tempted to take a glass of champagne, me being the Irish lad that I am but I don't want to give Harry the satisfaction so instead I pour myself a small plastic cup of ribena juice as Taylor drives off, watching me in amusement.

"I spoke to Harry over the phone," Taylor starts, breaking the awkward silence as he drives. "He sounded, um...intense." He admits and my eyes glance lazily over him.

"Yeah, we split up." I state matter-of-factually and realization dawns on his face.


"Well, actually, I broke up with him." I correct myself, taking a sip of juice.

"That would explain his arrogance." He smirks and I can't help but agree. Typical Harry.

"It's a shame about you two, though...always thought you two'd work out in the end." He confesses and I smile weakly at him.

"Yeah." I reply, feeling the slight sting at my heart knowing that we're not together anymore. But I did the right thing, right?

A thought suddenly dawns on me. A thought that had been in the back of my mind, ever since I met Harry. I place my cup on one of the cup holders in the car and lean forward so that I'm next to Taylor.

"Taylor, can I ask you a favor?"


"Would it be possible for me to have Harry's home address? I'd really like to meet his parents." I add in explanation, when I see Taylor's face frown with puzzlement. We're parked outside my flat now and luckily there's no one really around to notice the huge stretch limo parked outside a flat in the center of London. Taylor heaves a deep sigh and grabs a packet of post it notes from the glove compartment and reaches for a black pen in the inside of his jacket pocket. He scribbles down Harry's home town address in surprisingly near writing before handing the tiny note to me.

"What's his family like? Just out of curiosity." I ask, after thanking him. Taylor thinks hard.

"Well, he has a mother and a step father and a sister who is the double of him." Taylor smiles fondly and I grin.

"What's his sister's name?"

"Gemma." Taylor answers. A light bulb flashes in my mind somewhere, as if I've heard that name before. And then it all clicks. Gemma was the name I'd seen on Harry's tracking device, on his phone way back on the train when I first met him. A hopeful thought occurs to me. Harry must've cared back then. He wouldn't have had his sister's name on his phone back then, would he? Never mind a tracking device. What if Harry hadn't switched his emotions off? What if he still cared, even just the slightest bit...and he was just hiding from Cassandra? What if Cassandra was too blind to realize?

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