Chapter 1

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Authors note: I am only updating early because of a problem I am having with Wattpad currently so I wanna dress it to you guys at the end

Riley's POV
Time to rewind....- :

It had all started during the A- troupe auditions, Emily had became mean, I never had known why until 3 days after the auditions had passed and I here is how I found out


"Hi, yea I need your help" Emily says to Stephanie, Stephanie was in her group called E- girls, and she was in Michelle's group for being dance captain, so if she could wreck it, would mean Emily could win, this was no good, no good at all

"Sure" Stephanie says

"Make sure Michelle doesn't get the role of the dance captaincy" Emily tells Stephanie, at this point, I was shocked, and still am right now

"Deal" Stephanie says, I gasped when I heard this, but I knew I couldn't tell Michelle because or else, she would tell Kate, and that would make Emily's trust for Michelle go more deeper down, and lower me and Emily's friendship for two reasons, one, I was the best friend of Michelle and number two is that I helped Michelle get dance captain...

Now, after the auditions for dance captaincy we had found out Emily had won, but I was angry that Emily had cheated her way into winning, I wanted to tell Kate so bad but couldn't, but it hurt me so badly, but luckily I stuck through it,

And so then Emily had gotten mean, and then even put Michelle in the back row when she clearly didn't deserve it, I wish I could have lied or not did it, but I did what had to be done, I called her out for doing it that next day, she got mad at me, and I was kicked out of E- girls

As that night, I had decided, enough is enough, I can't take it anymore, so I talked to Michelle about making a routine to show to Kate when the time is right, and she didn't know if she wanted to do it or not, but that next day she had came through

"I have decided, I will join your little rebellion Riley" She said, I was so happy she took the offer as the next day, I knew that she was on to us, I saw Stephanie outside the door, and when I was texting her I had to lie and say that it was a dance to show Kate for a duet competition, but soon it would be hard to live that lie.....

Authors note: on a new book it won't let me edit the 10th chapter of the book, so I wanted to tell you guys, so here, I made a book for 200 followers for when I hit it, and then all of a sudden it would not let me edit it, so I need advice for that guys

please vote and comment PLEASE comment....

Chapter two will still be in the rewind time.... I GTG the next step is on right now, bye

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