You're What?!

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Right when everyone decided that it was time to leave Kate's house, Kyoya's cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and frowned.

"Something wrong, Kyoya?" Shae asked, looking up at him.

"No. Everything is fine." He said as he muted the call, frown still on his face as they walked out the door.


As Shae was putting the lid on Kyoya's lunch box, there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" She called, going to open the door. Outside stood a man in a butlers' outfit. "Can I help you?"

"Miss Reed?" The man asked.


"I have a note for you." He said, offering her a white envelope. "Good day, miss." He gave a short bow before walking off.

Shae looked down at the envelope addressed to her before opening it; she unfolded the letter that was inside and stared at the one word that was written on the page in large –but neat- script.


There was no name signed on it, and the envelope didn't have a return address. Who was leaving her?

That question seemed to answer itself as the day went on. As much as she hated the idea of that answer being right.

Kyoya hadn't shown up for any of their classes, he wouldn't answer Tamaki's calls; and when Shae tried calling him, it was sent straight to voicemail also.

"Are you sure you should come to school again so soon?" Hikaru asked as he, Kate and Kaoru walked to their table at lunch.

Kate chuckled. "I feel fine now, Hikaru. Stop worrying."

"Somebody has to." He replied with as smirk as they sat down. Kate looked at all the members at the table already before sighing. "So... He still hasn't shown up?"

"No, nothing." Tamaki replied. "I tried calling him a few times, but I'm sent to voicemail."

Shae frowned, taking out her phone. "I've tried calling him too, the same happens to me."

"What could Kyoya-senpai be doing?" The twins asked, "He's never missed school before."

"I've got an idea." Kate said, everyone looked at her. "A while back, my sister was mad at me and my mom and wouldn't talk to us. So one day, I got on my friend's phone and called her; she didn't know the number and answered. Why don't you call him on someone else's phone?"

"He has everyone's number."

"He knows everyone at this school." Kaoru and Hikaru said, shrugging.

"He doesn't have mine." She waved her phone in the air then handed it to Shae and smiled. "Why don't you try it?"

Shae looked down at the phone then back at her friend; slowly, she smiled and took it.

As it rang, Shae wondered what had caused Kyoya to ignore them like this... What had happened to him?

Right when she was about to go to voicemail, it stopped ringing.

"Hello?" That familiar voice answered.


"Shae? Where are you calling from?"

"What do you mean 'where I'm calling from'? Where are you?! We've been trying to call you all day but you've been sending us to voicemail!"

"I'm leaving. I'm at the airport now."

"What? Why are you at the airport?"

"My father decided to bring our company to Germany, we're leaving today."

Two Americans Go to OuranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin