Chapter 12- Explosive Chibis

Start from the beginning

I hadn't realized how far on the edge of the chair I was until I tried to shift back and landed on my ass. "I'm good! Safe! No harm no foul the chair was just done with my ass. Pun unintended," I babbled. I saw Barry laugh for the first time in a while and couldn't help, but smile. "That's the Lilly I know and love. Alright defitely not a clone again. By the way I kinda lied about not being able to tell like you with the shape shifter, acting," he said helping me up. I rested my hands on his shoulders and he rested his hands on my hips. I leaned forward as he did and we kissed. Suddenly Cisco screamed, "AH! HE! HE! WAIT 'TIL FELICITY SEES THIS!" We broke apart laughing. I was blushing like crazy and burried my head in Barry's shoulder. Cisco's brother looked confused. "He's a major fanboy and has shipped us since we met back up," Barry informed. "Sounds like my brother," Dante teased.

"Oh shit! I'm the one who sucks at hiding my identity now," I said. "That's like one to twenty," Caitlin whispered as she walked past. "Yeah bro you can't speak a word of her identity," Cisco said. "Your secret is safe with me," Dante said. "Thank you," I said. "So are we really keeping them in the cells," Caitlin asked. "No, but I used alot of my powers today after not using them at all for a month so I needed a rest," I said. Suddenly Barry was gone. A few minutes later he was back and said, "They're now being transfered to Iron Heights," Barry said smugly. "You are such a show off," I said laughing abit. "Oh yeah Dante that never happened," Barry said. "What never happened," Dante asked. "Me doing the whole...," Barry said trailing off as I interrupted saying, "Sweetheart it's a joke he knows what your talking about." "Ohhh," Barry said rubbing the back of his neck, "Good one that was... clever. I'm just gonna... go." I laughed and said goodnight to them before walking with Barry to my apartment.

I was on my stomach my head, facing Barry, rested on his arm. I had my left arm under me my hand under his waist and my other hand rested infront of my face with his free arm wrapped over back with his hand resting on my waist. My nose was on my pointer finger with my hair covering most of my face.

He kissed my hand wich in turn made me chuckle, "Still really cheesey." "Only 'cause I love you," he said smiling. "Of all people you chose me," I asked. "You're brilliant, strong, kind, not to mention you beat the shit out of puberty," he said. I laughed saying, "What about you!? When I last saw you as kids you were an awkward dweeb. I didn't recognize you when I saw you again because you became like hot. Especially when you take your Flash hood off and you have your cute little messy hat hair." "Oh really," He asked. "Don't get full of yourself Allen," I teased. "Oh I wouldn't dream of it," he said, "Besides you are way cuter when you do the little nose scrunch thing." "What nose scrunch thing," I asked. "I can't tell you," He said. "Fine kiss up," I teased my eyes closing as Barry kissed my forehead. "Barry," I asked sleepily. "Yeah," he asked. "How are you so damn comfy, and lean," I asked yawning before actually falling asleep.

I woke up to a phone call. I answered it, "You got Lil if this is Cisco or Caitlin please call back later if this is Iris or Joe what's up if it's work, who died and how soon do you need me?" "It's Barry I need you to get down to the the park as soon as possible also technically work related. "Be there in like 30 love you," I said hanging up not giving him time to reply. I was not a morning person. I took a literal five minute cold shower to wake me up. Five minutes of cursing at myself later I dried my hair curling it as I pulled on my white v-neck on with my black deconstructed jean shorts and black suede booties. I quickly put on my usual make up and made a smoothie and took a granola bar to go slipping on my bag and stuffing my phone in it's own little compartment. I slipped on my bracelets rushing out taking the elevator and hailed a taxi. Were I realized I didn't shave and pulled out my galaxy tights which I kept for emergencies like today and somehow got them on in the back seat. I payed the driver slipping my booties on as I walked over to the crime scene.

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