Independence, truly?

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Independence is the biggest gift that our forefathers gave us. They fought for our freedom and made it happen. With a dream in their eyes and zest in their hearts, they fought till their very last breath to ensure that we would not have to face what they had to.

But 68 years later, at this solemn occasion, one is forced to think, are we really independent? Are we free to do and support what is right? Are we independent to voice ourselves against the politicians or wrong doers without being threatened? Are our children free from our super imposed expectations? Are the labourers free to send their children to schools? Are the Indian women independent to walk around in the park at night? Wouldn't you all agree when I say that these are all rhetorical questions?

At every turn, our capabilities as a nation are being questioned. We are facing roadblocks. Not at the higher level, but at the grass root level itself. From problems like lack of proper infrastructure and our inability to move the concerned authorities, to safety of our daughters. When we think of all the bad things that have happened, they outnumber the good. Our belief that we are ‘one’, is at stake. Our forefathers who led us, often mentioned the need for us to walk together. Catch hold of the brothers who have been left behind and bring them forward. But today we have become so self centered. A high degree of superiority complex runs in our blood. My family, me and our happiness. Is this how a society exists? We fail to understand that it is the Indian humility that sets us apart. But where is it gone today?

There are still millions being discriminated within India. There are those being burdened by the obligations towards the society. There are those who are living a life which none would want. There are those who die each moment. And then there are those who aren’t aware of their rights, who their MP is, who their PM is!

We proudly claim that we are independent from a foreign rule but we are still not free from jealousy, intolerance and hatred towards our fellow countrymen. We are full of bitterness towards other religions, traditions and always try to suppress the growth of the other. We step on another to progress. We are tied in shackles of terrorism, false ideologies, corruption, communal violence, and class-caste distinctions and so on. We tend to forget that independence is not only living freely but also allowing others to live freely.

We say that we are a free nation but our behavior suggests that we are still not free. We take pride in other’s culture but not in our own culture. We admire other nations but forget to count the good points of our nation. We love western culture and try to avoid Indian culture. We love Dominoes, McDonalds, KFC, Subway but forget to cherish our Indian Parathas, Dosas, Roti, Sabji. We wear jeans, skirts and often criticize our saris and suits. We would proudly own an iPhone rather than a Micromax. We take pride in a foreign language but fail to learn and appreciate our language (and I'm not just talking about Hindi here). We aspire for jobs in USA, UK, and Australia etc. and are filled with regret for being born and living in India. The youth, which has tremendous potential, how many of them even want to stay in India after graduating? Do we even think independently? No. We often think what others make us think because - Log kya kahenge?

All this really makes one think that are we really independent? Are we a free nation? Are we worthy of any praise?

These haunting questions we may hesitate to answer but they are standing in our way of success and have to be answered as soon as possible. A unified India should come together to answer these questions as this is not a job of one individual but the whole nation.

It would be unfair to say that that we cannot do anything because when we Indians decide to do something then nothing is impossible for us. So I call upon all the people, especially the youth of the nation, on this Independence Day, to come forward and break all the shackles to make the country truly independent and free.

Everyone should pledge to work towards the development of India in a true sense and make India – a place full of love and happiness and mark it as a successful nation on the world map. Only then, will we be independent in true sense of the term.

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